All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Saturday, 28 February 2015

an update from the MiA author:)

As salaam mu alikum

I'm pleased to announce that I'm logging in after nearly a month!

I wish I could say "I'm back", but I can't. My plate is really full right now and the blog has taken a back seat.

shukraan, many of you have stayed this journey with me from the start, the ups and downs. You have tolerated my erratic posting schedules and long breaks. I must thank you.

so, I can't leave this story and the characters that became so dear to me, just hanging in mid air...i have to end it.

insha'Allah, there will be, one final installment of this story soon, for those that still check this blog, for the people that email to ask if its ending, for my friends that check if I still have a pulse :)

soon, I promise!

much love,