thank you to every single person who ever read this blog...the stats always made me smile!
thank you to every person who commented, emailed and shared their thoughts... I appreciate your words so much.
thank you to all those who know me and get so excited to figure out I was writing this story! Too cute!
This story is over, I tried to make it keep it real. The storyline wrote itself...i never set out to write a sad just happened. I tried to change it, but my mind didn't allow it. I hope you enjoyed it even though it wasn't the perfect happy ending...
so before I say goodbye, I just wanted to include some trivia:
this blog was written, posted, maintained and edited entirely from a mobile phone. Every episode is saved as a note on my phone.
I wrote most of the post while on maternity leave when my son was sleeping, and I should have been sleeping too!
in the original first post, Fatima and Imraan didn't have names, I was just writing.
in the first few post I didn't know what work Fatima did, only after I wrote the post on how they met it fell into place, and I went back and added it to earlier post.
I choose Port Shepstone as her home town because I lived there briefly in 2013 (best memories ever), so I was familiar with the landmarks.
Ahmed was invented just to protray all the pre-marriage drama. Dilnaas's name was originally Mariam,but when I was reading my sisters blog, I saw that a couple in her story had the same names...changing her name had changed her personality though lol...a Dilnaas couldn't be anything less than fabulous;)
Kats and luths are actually the real names of my own good friends, while the characters weren't based on them, it just some how happened and I figured every girl needs amazing friends like mine...even frictional ones.
my husband only managed to read 3 post of this blog before he decided it was too long and boring. :)
I didn't want Imraan to die...i tried to rewrite the post 6times.
lol, hope you found the story, behind the story, just as fun.
much love, till my next venture...
Slmz. I started ur blog last nyt and everything else was put on hold till I got done. Was a lovely read. I actually cried in the end. I remember reading the first few post before but with my own pregnancy and birth think I forgot about it. I'm glad I rediscovered it. Very well done.
ReplyDeleteSlms I just want to say that this blog was really amazing to read !! .. It had me luaghing at one point and in the end when imraan dies it had me in tears !! ... Jzk so much for such a lovelY read