All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Part 49:Point Taken

Pregnancy brain really got me for a six, after fajr I had explained to Imraan how I had mixed up the dates and he couldn't believe it.

We had such a lovely date night last night. We went to a really nice restaurant for supper and a drive through the empty streets afterwards as we chatted and laughed. It was so good to spend time with him like that.

Imraan assured me that things would settle down soon for him at work and we would have more time together. I was glad.

I tried to explain to Imraan how annoyed I was that his mother had rearranged the kitchen to suit herself but he didn't understand. He said she was only trying to help and I can just put it right when she was gone, no big deal.

Today Shireen and Bilal drove up to fetch MiL since her friend had decided to stay in PMB for a few more days, while everybody was eating lunch I asked the twins to go to the garage and see if the want to set some of Imraan's tools right for him. Imraan is very fussy about his tools, he has a special cabinet for them that he made himself and everything is neatly organized.

I watched at the twins reset all the containers of screws and nuts and bolts according to the lid colours and then mixed up the star and flat screwdrivers. I was more than happy for their "help" and directed them out before they caused to much of a ruckus.

So tonight after supper I asked Imraan to please screw on the hinge that had come of the cupboard door...his shout of irritation from the garage when he discovered his neatly arranged tools had, me laughing.

I tried to keep a straight face as Imraan came back demanding to know what happen to his tool cabinet...

" oh, the twins...they were just trying to can just rearrange it now,they gone.."

Imraan looked like he was going to explode!!!
He must off caught my hard to hide grin because his face suddenly changed as the penny dropped.
'Point taken', he muttered as he back walked out of the kitchen, " Il speak to my mum".
" Thanks!", I replied with a smug look...
"oh and Imraan...dont forget to fix that door for me!"
"Humph!", was the only reply followed by the jingle of the tools....


  1. I read your blog from start to finish in two days. Now I regret my 'greediness' as I join your regular readers in waiting for a new post! Fabulous work!

  2. Slmz today's post?? Waiting from$
