" Imraan!!!!", Ahmed hollered." help me get my father into the car, lets go!"
Imraan and Ahmed rushed to my father to the car to take him to the hospital. I just slid down to the floor, as I felt my throat constrict, I couldn't breath.
I watched as they carried him out and my mother hurried behind them with Sabera in tow but I couldn't move, I sat rooted in that spot as they speed out of the drive way. I closed my eyes and made silent dua after dua as I tried to control my racing heart, my frightened thoughts and my constricted lungs as tears streamed down my face. That's how Dadi found me, she rushed towards me.
"Fatima, Fatima! Whoo tahyoo?", she asked frantically.
she used all her strength to lift me up and help me to sit on the edge of the bed.
"bethi, what's wrong! Where is everybody? Is it the babies?" Dadi asked again, but I couldn't talk, I just kept shaking my head.
"Imraaaaaan!!!! SABERAAAAAAA!!!!GORIIIIII!!!", Dadi was screaming for people, where they back!, I tried to stand up.
It took me a second to realise that Dadi wasn't here when we found my father! She must have been upstairs, she had no idea what happen.
I tried to explain to her, but she was besides herself by now.
"Areh! Where is everybody! What's going on here!" she was saying, close to,tears herself.
I heard a car coming in to the drive. I stood up and looked out, it was Ahmed's car, but Imraan was driving. Omw! It was too soon for him to be back if the doctors were helping daddy... Unless it was too late!...No, no, I can't think like that.
I rushed to the door as Imraan parked and I flew down the veranda steps as I hurried towards him as Dadi shouted behind me, "Fatima! Fatima Barbie!!! Areh, nee dhoor!"
The last thing I remember was the look,of absolute horror on Imraan's face as I slipped on the pathway and lunged forward, I stumbled a few steps as I fell, face down, flat on the drive...
I just felt a stabbing pain radiate through me as everything went black...
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