All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Monday, 8 December 2014

Part 59: Sirens and Sleep

I felt like I was moving very fast, but not really moving. I felt like I couldn't move but I was inside something that was moving.

I could hear a distinctly familiar sound but it was far away. I could sense a busyness, an urgency.

I could smell a strange smell and fear almost.

Sense a tension.

I felt like I was in a bizarre dream. Not quite awake but not really asleep.

I could hear a voice, strange to my ears, at first it was just a hum but I forced myself to concentrate.

"I'm picking up a heart beat, fairly strong...just one but.", the voice was saying.
" no! No! There needs to be two!", another voice said desperately.
This voice I knew, even in my sleep...

Imraan, my Imraan. I wanted to reach for him. To see him. He would know what's happening, I wanted Imraan. But I couldn't follow, I couldn't find him. I was still moving, floating, inside something that was rushing.

" there has to be two! Please do something. Save my wife and babies. Please she's carrying twins!", Imraan was pleading, I could hear his pain, his fear, his tears...i wanted to hug him.
Twins...twins, he was talking about twins, his twins, our twins!! My eyes flew open, I tried to was blurry.

" Tima! Tima! Oh baby, why why why! I shouldn't have left you, I came right back to get you." Imraan's voice again, but I couldn't see him. I squeezed mt eyes shut again. I tried to talk but I couldn't. I wanted to know what happened, I wanted to know about the babies. I couldn't concentrate. I felt myself falling asleep again...that sound, in the distance...the sound of an ambulance.

Somebody was being rushed to hospital...something horrible must have happened...

I fell back asleep.

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