All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Monday, 4 August 2014

Flash Back Mini Series-Part 2 : Still Reminiscing...

I never expected him to reply immediately , it was passed midnight already, so I just browsed my news feed and got ready for bed.
 Just before I switched my phone off, my messenger alert beeped, we got talking and I ended up telling him the entire Nas&Mo drama that night. we talked about his job, my studies, our families...we just kind of clicked. I don't know how but it was soon fajr, so I just logged off.

Over the next few weeks Imraan and I chatted quiet frequently, in my heart I knew it was wrong but I couldn't pull away. Sometimes Imraan spoke of marriage and proposing but I didn't know what to make of it. he had a great sense of humour which I enjoyed but it also made it hard for me to see if he was joking or serious about some things so I just brushed those subjects off. My time in Durban was also coming to an end.

On the second last day at school the principal called me in and offered me a job for the following year, once I qualified. I was stunned, but I had no plans to move to Durban permanently, I thanked her profusely and she told me to think about it and give her an answer by mid year.

When I went back to the staffroom there was a velvet gift box placed at my usual spot, I thought it was for somebody else but the card on the single rose, said 'Fatima'.

I hesitated then open it. Inside was a folded page, I lifted it out and opened it. My heart did a flip-flop.

 It was a Nikkah Details form from the Marburg musjid in Port Shepstone, the field for Brides name was filled in neatly with my details. The rest of the form was completely empty.
Under the page was a silver Parker pen, crystal incusted, a diamond ring was pushed into the pen was beautiful.

I sat down and wondered what to do...after a long while, I picked up the pen, and filled in just two fields...
Then, I replaced everything exactly how I had found it, put it into a large envelope which I labelled as Imraan and went in search of Talha, I told him to tell me when his mummy comes to fetch him. 

When I saw Sumaya at home-time I wordlessly handed it to her. Then I put my phone off for the rest of the day.

I went home and baked a ton of cupcakes to give all the kids,tomorrow  was my last day!

The Sunday after my teaching practice had ended my parents drove down to fetch me, as soon as I saw them I knew something was up! My mother had a jumpy look in her eyes and my father refused to meet my eye. 

Nani must have noticed it too, coz she kept asking if everything was okay. They were kind of quiet. It made me feel nervous and afraid.

I said a tearful goodbye to Nani, it was so sad to leave after spending the entire month with her. I would be back soon enough though, Nasreen had set the date for her wedding for before Ramadaan and I wanted to come back and help her closer to the date.

The drive home was strange, my parents remained a little quiet. I hadn't had contact with Imraan since I sent his gift back, so I didn't know if he had anything to do with their mood, the quietness and gentle drive soon lulled me to sleep. I awoke when we where almost home. 

At home I went to my room after one month, I realized I had missed it. Fatima!!! My father called, my heart jumped...I knew this was it! Time to face the music, I took deep breath  and went to speak to my parents...

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