All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Re-name, Y'ALL!

so like the introduction and credits explain...this story was never ment to be a story or even a was a little piece i wrote to amuse my sister.

she blogged it and once I saw it, I just kept going...i didn't think it would gain readership either...but it has.

I'm currently typing part 37 and I feel like this story needs its own identity...its to long to be a spin off or little play up...

I'm thinking of renaming....

1. What do you think?
2. What name do you suggest?

I'd like to keep the description and slogan the same but you welcome to remix that too...

either comment with your suggestions or email them in:)

*maybe* if its super awesome we can make it a competition with a voting and a prize for the name I go with eventually...

Il be thinking too...otherwise, we can just stick with the current sweat!

Ree :)

1 comment:

  1. Chronicles of a Guji Wife,
    A Day in the Life of A Guji Wife
