All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Monday, 4 August 2014

Message from the Author

Lets leave all Fatima's panchaat one side so i can tell you some of my own.

 I logged on to my blogger dashboard on Friday and couldn't believe my eyes! At first I thought I was seeing 'double double' like Imraan's Dadi, but after I refreshed a few times, I figured there was no mistake.

The blog views had shot up into the 4 digits...and climbed steadily over the weekend. The stats show log ins from around the world...

And just dumbfounded...
I can't believe so many people are reading my story that was never intended to be a story in the first place.

I'm humbled, awestruck and ever so grateful. And since I write in advance of the live blog, I'm glad all my work isn't going to go to waste too.

Shukraan / Thank you so much. My story hardly seems worthy of all the attention, I am truly blown away.

I can only hope you continue to enjoy the story as the plot thickens and the storylines emerge, climax and ultimately reach its conclusion.

On the Admin Side:

I thought it would be a good idea to include two new page's to the blog...
One for all the recipes Fatima make's, it's actual food so why not. This ofcorse, my Administrative Assistant (aka:Sister) and I will do as and when we have time.

The second page would be for you to post recipes you think Fatima should try. From time to time, Il include a mention in the story of something from this page, eg:
"today for supper I made that cottage cheese pie that my friend Mariam told me about, she got the recipe from her BBM group Yumminess's"
So please, include all the details and credits under the title of your recipe when sharing.

Finally, Thank You so much for reading, don't be shy to comment, I would love to hear what you think.

A rather speechless but very grateful,

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