All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Friday, 5 September 2014

Destination Mini Series: Part 3-Real Malawi

When I saw Saleemas home that first day, I wondered if she would be content with the little granny flat Saleem built for them behind his family home.

Yesterday, after visiting the real locations of Malawi, I felt grateful just for having running water, leave alone a warm shower in the morning. It was difficult and amazing at the same time, to see how people live.

The abject poverty is heart breaking, the genuine kindness and happiness...heart warming!

How is it that, people with so little have so much to give, of that which truly counts.
I met little children, so thin and under nourished that their built didn't match their age...

In school you learn about rickets and Kwashiorkor, but they just, you see the reality of it.

Imraan immediately took pics to email back to his office in the hope of getting a water well sponsorships, even though it is a non-muslin firm, they do alot  of charity work.

Imraan himself, made a modest donation towards food distribution and we even talked about sending the money for our babies aqeeqahs to be made and distributed here by the Ulema organization, Insha'Allah.

I was exhausted after our day out, I felt wrung out too but it was this leg of the trip that truly made me feel like I had seen Malawi.

Today we were invited to Saleemas home for Jumuah Lunch, they made a delicious memon was the first time I ate goat meat.
You would think goat meat would have put me off but shukaar I'm having an 'easy  pregnancy' so far, I can't believe I'm already into the second trimester.

Tomorrow is Saleem and Saleema's Wedding, tonight they putting Mendhi for the bride...i can't wait to see what a Memon wedding in Malawi is like.

Imraan and I are leaving on Sunday and should be home late Sunday night. Imraan needs to get back to the office. Mean while the two newly weds will fly to Mauritius and then Cape town for their 2 week honeymoon before coming home to begin their life as husband and wife!

as much as I am enjoying this trip I'm really feeling the heat and I'm ready to head back to South African soil!

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