All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Part 30: She can move in...

Nobody knew what to do after MiLs little performance. So we all just ate quickly and got up.

I sorted out the leftovers and went to room. Before I could even ask Imraan anything, he started explaining it to me.

'Neelofah', the girl Muhammad Bhai wanted to take as a second wife was an old school friend of his, once upon a time, Neelofahs mother and MiL were really good friends too.

When Muhammad and Neelofah were growing up, their mothers use to tease them about marrying each other. In high school, Neelofah got involved with the wrong crowd and her bad behavior was soon the talk of the town, naturally that made her all wrong for Muhammad Bhai and the teasing stopped.

Towards the end of their matric year Neelofah suddenly did another 360 again and went into full hijaab, she gave up her wayward ways and suddenly her mother was insistent on some kind of formalized relationship between Muhammad and Neelofah.

My MiL was hesitant but didn't want to offend her friend, finally, through the grapevine of mutual friends Muhammad and my MiL heard rumors that Neelofa was pregnant and her mother was already  announcing her engagement to Muhammad.

Naturally, my MiL was furious...she cut contact with Neelofahs mother and in the end Neelofah went back to her Non-Muslim boyfriend, after he reverted to Islam they married, news of their rocky marriage kept the gossip mongers busy for years.

Recently, Neelofah aperently pulled another 360, after the sudden death of her husband. she returned with two children to live with her mother and asked Muhammad for a job as a cashier.

In a violent fight that had made news headlines locally, Neelofah's 'husband' had been killed.

She had the good sense not to attend the company function after Eid but when my MiL had seen her name on the guest lust, she was livid that she even had a job in the store. Muhammad Bhai had just brushed it of saying he was doing her brother a favour.

all this left me to wonder why would Neelofah want to marry Muhammad and why would Muhammad want to marry Neelofah...

But right now, I'm stressing about how MiL is going to take the news that Imraan and I are moving out... I don't want any tumblers of water to come flying at me!

Imraan is not stressing, he got time for jokes!

imraan says, he'll suggest that Muhammad Bhai can give Neelofah our room!

MiL is just going to love this...

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