All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Part 40: Home Sweet Home

It took forever to get out of the grid locked CBD at peak hour.

There were two accidents on the freeway on the way home and something major ws going on too...a helicopter was hovering over traffic and kept zoning in on my car it kept the boys very entertained but was freaking me out.

On the way home I managed to get the full story out of Yusuf and Yusair, as scary as today was, I already knew that this would be a family tale we would tell for many years to come...

The boys told me they really wanted to go to the park but because mummy didn't want to take them they decided to take a bus like nazley and reyaan do.

Nazley and Reyaan are the children of a lady Shireen befriended at the park named Layla.

From the snippets I heard from MiL, she lived in Sydenham and came to the park in our area because the one near her wasn't safe. She was a 'coloured Muslim' so ofcorse MiL didn't approve of her.

"where did you get money for the bus fare?", I asked them.

"Dadi!", replied one in a sing song voice.

"she gave us R100!", said the other

"yah buses are expensive coz they so big."

The boys told me they that they were on the bus the 'whole day' and Yusuf needed to pee and the money man was asking them where they were jumping off and they kept saying park and he said no park...

"we got scared", Yusair told me

"so when we saw Mr price, we jumped off...coz mummy always takes us to Mr price", Yusuf said.

These two have no idea what kind of trouble they going to be in...ah the innocence's of youth...

When I finally pulled into our driveway, it was  close to 7pm, I was physically and mentally exhausted!

All the lights in the house were on, Imraan's car was already in the driveway, the police cars were still there, so was my mamagee's...

I knew I was in more trouble than either of the boys...i didn't think I had the energy left to deal with any of this now...

As soon as I parked the boys shot out off the car, running towards the house...shireen and Bilal where already outside waiting for them...even from inside the car, I could hear Shireens relief, I shook my head as she chided her two rascals...i slumped against the seat and closed my eyes'...

It wasn't even a second when my car door was flung open. I smelt him before I even saw him...i braced myself for his anger...

"baby I'm so glad you okay! I was so worried!", Imraan said.

Imraan's words almost broke my heart...i felt him gently tug my arm, I got out of the car and collapsed against my husband.

i hadn't even realized I was crying until Imraan wiped away my tears. He held me tight against him for a minute and then without a word he scooped me up and carried me into the house.

As soon as he set me down, my MiL started up, "Fatima! How could you do this, you know how worried we were! We thought something happen to you, you just went, no phone nothing...gandi answer we had for Imraan when he came home!

Becharo Imraan was so worried we couldn't find you and the twins! Imraan had to pay for that helicopter to come check on you! Waste of money!"...

What! Paid for a helicopter!

But before I could even ask, Imraan scooped me up again.

 " Fatima doesn't need to hear this, you'll should thank her for bring those two home safely...and I'd like to give an earful to the idiot who left two five year olds unattended that long!", Imraan said it calmly but sternly then he carried me all the way to the room.

He laid me on the bed as my mamagee knocked at the door...

"Fatima bethi! What you doing to an old man like me!"
Seeing him made me think of my parents! Oh-No! I hope nobody told them...i looked at Imraan but he seemed to read my mind..." I didn't phone your parents. I didn't want to worry them unnecessarily coz they so far, so I called uncle Doc instead.", Imraan said

..oh my husband is a rock star!

I relaxed against my pillows..." Go ahead Dr, give her few injection's or something for this little stunt of hers!", Imraan said...

" I'm just going to check your vitals and the babies heart beats", my mamagee laughed at the look of terror on my face...i HATE needles!!!!!

Imraan disappeared into the bathroom after my uncle confirmed that all seemed fine.

Once my uncle left, Imraan sent me in for a warm bath and had my favourite PJs out for me, I felt human again after that.

I was about to ask him about the helicopter again but a knock on the door stopped me short...

Imraan let Sumaya in with a tray of tea and a sandwich and biscuits.

I was suddenly famished!!!

i hadn't eaten since lunch!

i smiled at her gratefully as I ate and she quietly whispered that she was so glad I was okay and she left.

Once I was done, Imraan tucked me into bed like a small child and he held me close, I tried to talk but he ssshed me, " you sleep..."

 I couldn't argue...

I was okay, I was loved, I had an amazing husband, I was beyond tired...i was snoring before I even closed my eyes!


  1. Yusuf is simply perfect !!!

  2. wow this blog iz like #theeBezt
