All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Part 38: Kidnapped!

Today I got home from work and once again there was nowhere for me to park!

The yard was jam-packed with cars. Bilal was home and so were his in laws it seemed...but that's not what had me worried...the two police vans parked haphazardly across the front yard is what me hurry inside!

What on earth was going on!

Imraan was in PMB today to sort out some stuff at the new office premises.

I rushed inside to find shireen hysterical!
Bilal was ranting and raving...
my MiL and Shireen's mother were crying...
Shiraans Dadi was sitting the couch reading Izaa jaa in some kind of a trance...

It didn't take much to figure out that the twins were the cause of all this, but where were they?

Its only when I heard Bilal shouting at the men in blue that , ' he was sure they were kidnapped because of the business', that when I really started panicking!


 The twins!


 Yah Allah...i thought I was going to faint...why hadn't anybody phoned me!

Shireen was getting hysterical, she kept repeating "I should have taken them to the park...they wanted to go so badly! Then none of this would have happen"

I rushed to Shireen offering her a tight hug, saying every comforting thing I could think off.
"Don't worry, they won't harm them...just pay the ransom, whatever they ask for...if you don't have enough Imraan and I can try and help, anything just ask...i'll start a yaseen khatam right now..."

I held my poor SiL tightly as she wept copiously in my arms...over her shoulder I saw Sumaya beckon me into the kitchen.

I left shireen to continue the interview with the police and went to see what Sumaya had to say...i knew she would have the details that I can't ask anybody in the other room for...

I was right...

Sumaya immediately began by telling me that this little drama may not be a kidnapping...Shireen was looking for the two about 2 hours ago and after searching the entire house and yard she found no sign of them she started all escalated into an alleged kidnapping once the police got here, there was no evidence...just assumption and drama...

Isn't that like the main theme of this house?

Still! Two little boys were missing...kidnapped or not, where were they?

before I could get my thoughts straight, Tumi came hurrying through the kitchen door shouting frantically...

"Madaam!!!madaam!!!", she called.

Seeing us she immediately asked for Shireen, we pointed towards the lounge, following her as she flew through the door way...

"Madam...Madaam!!!!", "Baas???", she tried to get Shireens attention, then Bilal's, they waved her off, my MiL shooed her away...

She came back towards us, Sumaya quickly asked her what was up.

" the other maids, some that sit on the road waiting for the children after school...they said they see the twins gebala the bus", Tumi said.

The bus!....

No freaking way!!!!

I jumped to action.

( be continued...)


  1. You lure me with your titles alone! These two are brats no doubt!!!

  2. I love their drama queen mother and inflated ego father ;p...eagerly awaiting your next post on the legacy story:)

  3. Soon... Can't wait to hear what you think so please drop me a line... Good or bad😆
