All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Monday, 21 July 2014

Announcement 1: Schedule, Feedback, Subscription and Clarity...or FAQ for short.

You can expect a dose of panchaat from the FICTIONAL Fatima in  "The Real Diary of a Guji Wife" weekday mornings at 9am.
Any changes to the regular schedule will be conveyed via an Announcement such as this.
(P.S: the 'real' doesn't mean that its a true story, its a play on the name of another blog that people were complaining about it not being grounded enough...)- see 'Credits' at the bottom of the web version for more info regarding that.
Please take a moment to provide some feed back by answering the Poll on the top left hand side of the Web version of the blog. Your response will help me decide whether this is worth the time and effort or not.:D
You can also sign up for direct emails of new post via the web version, look for the 'Follow by email' gadget and subscribe.
If you can't access the web version but still want to subscribe, send an email with the words "Add me" to and we'll do just that for you! Free of charge to..Mafaaat
Also, please see the Introduction and the Disclaimer but if you still have doubts and you thinking of  emailing me just to make sure...No, this blog is not about my real life, its not about yours, its not about somebody you sounds familiar because its about 'typical' Guji people and I make up scenario's that are ment to be relatable...
If you still don't believe me, sit tight, most of the story is already done...with alot of surprising twist and turns that will clear all doubts.
Thanks for joining me on this journey, each part is as new to me as it is to you and because I'm already so far into the writing, I also read the published post every day like I never saw it before;) I'm just crazy like that!
Love&Dua's with dashing's of chutney and spice...

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