I dutifully stood and counted the bags that looked like she brought enough to move in permanently! One look at my MiLs face, told me she thought the same.
Soon as the Moti MiL caught sight of her DiL the terrorizing began..."Kayroon Gori its so garaam garaam2 in here, you don't open windows? I'm getting gabraat3 just standing here!"
My MiL hopped to it..."nay Ma, aww aww, Tamara room ma aircon ne handoche che, aww aww4.
Tameh cheir jwech?5"-"Sumaya don't just stand there, go put the kettle on!"
"...and let the fun times roll" Sumaya whispered as she walked passed me.
This time, I know I didn't imagine it!
I giggled to myself, I could still hear Dadi lecturing my MiL on the importance of keeping the house well aired even in winter...it keeps all the karaab waah6 out.
When Dadi came back out she was in a much better mood, " kaache pooira lorko7?"
"the boys are all at work, Ma-you want a naan khatia8?"
"nay nay, oh boor sukaar ne khay se Kai9, sugar is too bad for my health. ooh Ayesha ne Shireen kache?10"
"Ayesha can't come today, it's too hard with the boys and Qasim works till late in the dookaan11 too. She'll come in the weekend."
"and Shireen is gone to her mothers house, today is her day there..."
The better mood was short lived.
"jaja..hoo hundi wakaat tha doori12, she keep going mothers house, mothers house, once you get married you must forget all that! Jaja, ma ke ghaar13, thats why you have all those problems"
I had to escape to keep from laughing...my MiL was totally breaking a sweat! I caught Sumayas eye as I was leaving and I gave her a sly wink...she beamed me a smile in return!
glossary for my terrible attempt to transliterate guji:
- keep your eyes open, there is seven...meaning make sure the maids don't steal.
- very hot
- hyper ventilate due to heat
- come to your room, there is an aircon and 'everything'
- do you want tea?...said to pacify
- bad wind
- where are the boys
- indian ghee biscuit
- no, i cant have too sweet things
- where are A & S
- shop/business
- what does she run there for all the time
- mothers house...said mockingly
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