He leaned into the car and asked me how I felt, if anything was sore...when I said no, he helped me out, he hugged me and said, come, your uncles expecting us.
"My car?", i asked Imraan.
"Luqmaan will drive Dadi home and take your car in.", Imraan replied offhandedly.
"jaja, koonche Luqmaan1! I'm coming with your", Dadi said.
"Dadi this is private...",Imraan started...
"Ma bee accident ma wagu2...i got hypertension too! I can feel my heart beating!" Dadi said dramatically
Luqmaan,Imraan's friend from work, roared with laughter!
"okay, okay, come both of you...Luqmaan just take the car by your ballie...I'll phone him one of the days." Imraan said
I remembered that Luqmaans father was a mechanic and owned a full auto yard and workshop. As he drove away, I had a fleeting thought about forgetting serviettes and deco in the backseat.
When we got to my mamagees3 surgery he sent Dadi to the nurse to get checked while he took my vitals.
"Fati fati...what have you done batchoo, okay lay on the bed for me, lift your abayaa little, lets do an ultrasound.", he said.
"everything seems okay Fatima, I'm guessing its a healthy fetus of about 6-8 weeks. Alhumdulliah"
"Imraan, the next 48 hours are crucial, she can't be on her feet, that means nothing for her to do for Eid. I mean it! She's stubborn, I know, but this is important...the slightest pain and she needs to be taken into casualties...we don't know if there will be any after effects from the jerk."
" Fatima, the receptionist will give you a list of good Obs&Gyni, there are some excellent Muslim females on the list, choose somebody from that list. You need to start taking folic acid, Il give you a script. Look after her Imraan, insha'Allah everything will be okay"
"oh and maybe keep her away from the roads too, for our safety more than hers" my uncle joked. "even Nasreen scared us by hitting a bar case last month, she was 6 months pregnant!"...
"oh you know, the garage might take very long with her car", Imraan said seriously
"it wasn't such a big smash", I protested
"you a panel beater now, are you?", Imraan teased me.
"go go you'll...I'll see you tomorrow, don't forget, supper at my house." my mamagee said
Dadi and I went home with clean bills of health. Dadi and Imraan ensured I was of my feet and on Eid morning we told our families, everybody was thrilled, Sumaya hugged me warmly. My mother started crying over the phone when she heard everything that had happened plus my news...i told her Imraan and I would be visiting the coming weekend, Insha'Allah.
Eid went very well, I found some time in the Dadi to ask Dadi how she guessed I was pregnant.
"no guess guess like your dress Barbie, when you get as old as me, you know when a paatri paatri pooiri3 gets a small pehtu4 and starts making ulthi5 all the time and starts looking more roopari than before, then she must be getting a batchoo6."
Wow!I was amazed...
"orrh, and Imraan let me use your bathroom for wudu fajr time yesterday...that pink test something box was by the sink...i chupchaapti7 put it in the bin", Dadi said with a naughty wink!
Un.believe.able!! I laughed so much, even Talha seemed to hear me.
In the evening I met the heavily pregnant Nasreen who was too thrilled about my news...
"you must go to Dr. B,at Crompton...he is beyond excellent...and quiet good looking too, you know, for an old man.."
Oh this girl! She will never change!
That night as I lay in bed I studied my husbands face...
"what you think...", he asked.
"it feels like the end of a chapter, doesn't it...the newlyweds phase is almost over, we going to be parents Insha'Allah.", I replied.
"Ameen, I'm really looking forward to it..."
"so am I,baby... so am I...we held hands and fell asleep..."
- what!whos Luqmaan.
- i also got hurt.
- thin, thin girl
- stomach
- vomiting
- baby
- quietly
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