All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Part 3- Seeing Good, Doing Good

As I drove to work this morning I was still thinking of last nights incident and mentally kicking myself.

I had just let it slide, there just wasn't much I could say while my mother was on the other end of the line saying, "kaynee kaynee, these things happen, Kayroon...atleast now I can ask you to remember me in all your special duas."

My MiL slithered back to her room as I finished up my call with my mother. 

In my room I berated myself for not calling her out on it, but wouldn't it be my word against hers? I decided not to mention it to Imraan.

My cousin Nasreen would be very angry with me if she hears this, she warned me of these moments and made me promise not to be a doormat...oh well, pick your battles I think.

Now, in the car this morning I'm daydreaming about what I should have, could have, would have said to put my MiL in her place...I always hate how all the best lines come to me way too late!

Peeeeep, peeeeeeeeeeep, peep peep peeep!!!!!!!

I was jump started out of my fantasy by the impatient driver behind me, guess he was tired of reading prices for fishy things. I glanced in my rear-view and immediately pressed my hazards...when I was little I use to call it the 'tick tock' button, now since I started driving, I think of it as the 'sorry and thank you' button.

I changed gear ready to move off only to realize that the car in front of me was the one holding us was swamped with beggars trying to get to the window...OMW! This was a bit much, even for Crescent street!
As they passed by me I saw the joy on their face and realized they each were clenching an assortment of chocolates at their chest...rolo and aero slabs, bars of tv bar, bar one and lunch bar...Yoh! This car must have tons to share!
As the driver ahead turned right I saw that she was a Muslim lady...Wow, what a lovely thing to do.

During my lunch break today I read Yaseen and then I decided to log on to Facebook  after ages. My news feed is full of Gaza related post and pics that just break my heart...many of my friends are actively following the plight and campaigning against the oppression. I put my phone away and read another Yaseen for the men, women and children of Gaza. May Allah (SWT) ease their plight, Ameen. Why do I only notice how bad it is during Ramadaan, they live this everyday, all year through. 
I saw a lady on BBM advertising for Palestinian scarves, the proceeds' go to Al-Imdaad to aid disaster relief, I need to order a few from her later.

This Ramadaan I just don't feel like myself, I'm restless...tired...achy...i think I am getting the flu. At least it is not my turn for iftaar, just need to fry grill some masaala some steak for Imraan, think he wants to braai them after Taraweeh, he says he loves the BBQ sauce marinade I make.

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