All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Part 8- Dadi Ma, Nani Ma and Chaachi Ma

When Imraan got home from work his Dadi called him, "Imraan betha, yaa ow"1
"so long you never see me, you can't come make salaam!"
"sorry Dadi. I wanted to see if my wife is feeling better today"
"Dadi you must get Facebook, then I'll always check up on you"

Dadi has a soft spot for these 'poiro's'2, she started laughing!
"tubaa, tubaa...suram ke waat3 ,what I'll do with bookface and hando4"
"find 1 Dada" Imraan laughed back.

I couldn't stop smiling watching them banter!

"areh jaja, doohi like me5, I don't want to wash any mans underpants"
"ask Fatima, Nani Ma got a Madala on facebook"
"hatchi waat, Fatima?"6
I laughed aloud, "my nani is in Jannat Dadi Ma, Imraans talking about a page 'Ask Nani Ma?"

"ask nani ma about what!?" my MiL asked as she walked in...

Imraan was to busy laughing to reply.
"we talking about that Facebook group" I said
"oh, acki ghaam nee panchaat that is"7, my MiL replied.
"No,no...i think that ones Ask Chaachi Ma!"
"aye I don't know all this, must ask shireen, she always busy with her phone"

"Ask Shireen?, oh that would make a very good panchaat8 page" Imraan said, sending his Dadi and him into another laughing fit.

My MiL just tsstsst at them.

Iftaar time Dadi was back to criticizing MiL..."are these dukaan9 samoosas kayroon gori?
Aye but your DiLs beat you, they roll round rotis.
You must make jaraak kuri kitchri10 for sehri, my haroon always use to like that."
"I make curry for him every morning, Ma" my MiL said.

I just knew Sumaya was smirking behind her milkshake glass.


  1. imraan darling, come here
  2. boys
  3. sinful, sinful, shameless talk
  4. everything
  5. oh get out, old thing like me
  6. for true 
  7. whole worlds gossip
  8. gossip
  9. store bought
  10. little bit of maas and rice dish

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