All the Masalaa of joint-family living...

A fictional story related as a leaked online diary in the voice of a contemporary,young, South African Guji wife...

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Part 61:Reality dawns...

I blink my eyes as light shifts infront of my closed lids. Slowly my eyes adjust.

What day is it? Where am I?

I try to look around, to see. Im in a bed. Not my bed, but a bed. A hospital bed.

I shit my eyes left and right.

I see a figure leaning over next to me.
I am so thirsty.

Water, I want water.

"Imraan, please give me water!", I clear my throat and barely scrape the words out. But he hears me, his head jerks up, a stunned look on his face.

"Baby! Baby! You awake! Baby!"
His crying, he rushes to the door, "She's awake!", he screams.

He rushes back, he is holding my hand. He is staring at me. Tears roll,down his cheeks.
"water!", I remind him.

He quickly pours me a glass. I try to lift myself up to drink it but I can't. The pain is excruciating. A nurse hurries in with ice chips in a bowl.

"here, have this, you must be thirsty.", she says to me as she begins checking my vitals.

Now that my mouth isn't so dry, I look at Imraan with a million questions burning in ny eyes and heart.

"the babies...?", I choke out.

A strange expression crosses Imraan's face, my heart freezes, my mind is screaming No!!!

No, no, no! No!!!
I couldn't lose them.

Imraan takes a deep breath.

It was so early, they had to operate. You were hemorrhaging. They in NICU Hi-care. Its to soon for them, its touch and go.

I sighed. That was was bad, but not so bad. There was hope. There is always hope. Allahu-Akbar!

"I want to see them!", I demanded.

"See your doctor first!", the nurse said,as she finished fussying around me.

"Oh, they are beautiful, baby. So small, tiny and so perfect.", Imraan said with tears in his eyes.
"One boy and one girl.", Imraan said.

Wow! I just wanted to see my babies, I wanted to hold them!

"They can't come out of the incubators, the risk of infection is too high.", the nurse interrupted again.
Imraan flashed her an angry look, "I would like some time with my wife, in private.", he said pointedly.
As the nurse sulked away, I looked at Imraan with worry and concern.
"Don't worry baby!", "Just make dua...", Imraan said, squeezing my hand.
Allah knows best.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Part 60: Darkness and light

I could hear a beeping. I could feel a burning. People were talking. Was it school?

My MiL is saying something. Maybe it's my turn to cook?

I want chicken curry.

What day is it?

Imraan? Where is Imraan?

I try to lift my eyelids, I can't. heavy.

Empty...i feel empty.

I see white, blurry white. Voices, I hear voices.

"Father"...somebody is talking about father.

Father! My father! Where is my father! What happen!

"so small...babies" babies...where are my babies.

"so much blood, she lost too much blood"

"IMRAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!", I scream.

"I think she moved...", somebody says.

I scream again, "Imraaaaaaaasaan!!!!!".

"I think Fatima's coming around!!, she's trying to talk!"

I take a deep breath, "IMRAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!", I howl as loud as I can.

Somebody squeezes my hand.

"Baby, can you hear me? Baby! Fatima, can you hear me, squeeze my hand baby", Imraan says.

I press his hand as hard as I can, his obviously gone deaf.

"She squeezed my hand! Get the doctor! Hurry!", I hear Imraan scream.

I am so tired now, its getting dark, so dark....

And then, blackness consumes me!

Monday, 8 December 2014

Part 59: Sirens and Sleep

I felt like I was moving very fast, but not really moving. I felt like I couldn't move but I was inside something that was moving.

I could hear a distinctly familiar sound but it was far away. I could sense a busyness, an urgency.

I could smell a strange smell and fear almost.

Sense a tension.

I felt like I was in a bizarre dream. Not quite awake but not really asleep.

I could hear a voice, strange to my ears, at first it was just a hum but I forced myself to concentrate.

"I'm picking up a heart beat, fairly strong...just one but.", the voice was saying.
" no! No! There needs to be two!", another voice said desperately.
This voice I knew, even in my sleep...

Imraan, my Imraan. I wanted to reach for him. To see him. He would know what's happening, I wanted Imraan. But I couldn't follow, I couldn't find him. I was still moving, floating, inside something that was rushing.

" there has to be two! Please do something. Save my wife and babies. Please she's carrying twins!", Imraan was pleading, I could hear his pain, his fear, his tears...i wanted to hug him.
Twins...twins, he was talking about twins, his twins, our twins!! My eyes flew open, I tried to was blurry.

" Tima! Tima! Oh baby, why why why! I shouldn't have left you, I came right back to get you." Imraan's voice again, but I couldn't see him. I squeezed mt eyes shut again. I tried to talk but I couldn't. I wanted to know what happened, I wanted to know about the babies. I couldn't concentrate. I felt myself falling asleep again...that sound, in the distance...the sound of an ambulance.

Somebody was being rushed to hospital...something horrible must have happened...

I fell back asleep.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Part 58: Stumble and fall

" Imraan!!!!", Ahmed hollered." help me get my father into the car, lets go!"

Imraan and Ahmed rushed to my father to the car to take him to the hospital. I just slid down to the floor, as I felt my throat constrict, I couldn't breath.

I watched as they carried him out and my mother hurried behind them with Sabera in tow but I couldn't move, I sat rooted in that spot as they speed out of the drive way.   I closed my eyes and made silent dua after dua as I tried to control my racing heart, my frightened thoughts and my constricted lungs as tears streamed down my face. That's how Dadi found me, she rushed towards me.

"Fatima, Fatima! Whoo tahyoo?", she asked frantically.

she used all her strength to lift me up and help me to sit on the edge of the bed.

"bethi, what's wrong! Where is everybody? Is it the babies?" Dadi asked again, but I couldn't talk, I just kept shaking my head.

"Imraaaaaan!!!! SABERAAAAAAA!!!!GORIIIIII!!!", Dadi was screaming for people, where they back!, I tried to stand up.

It took me a second to realise that Dadi wasn't here when we found my father! She must have been upstairs, she had no idea what happen.
I tried to explain to her, but she was besides herself by now.

"Areh! Where is everybody! What's going on here!" she was saying, close to,tears herself.

I heard a car coming in to the drive. I stood up and looked out, it was Ahmed's car, but Imraan was driving. Omw! It was too soon for him to be back if the doctors were helping daddy... Unless it was too late!...No, no, I can't think like that.

I rushed to the door as Imraan parked and I flew down the veranda steps as I hurried towards him as Dadi shouted behind me, "Fatima! Fatima Barbie!!! Areh, nee dhoor!"

The last thing I remember was the look,of absolute horror on Imraan's face as I slipped on the pathway and lunged forward, I stumbled a few steps as I fell, face down, flat on the drive...

I just felt a stabbing pain radiate through me as everything went black...

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Part 57: Janaah Charow and drama

The week went by so quickly and before I knew it, it was the morning of the Janaah Charow. My mother acted like the whole of Port Shepstone was coming to inspect the house and eat.

She and Dadi started straight after fajr, cleaning top to bottom, corner to corner, left to right, side to side, under and on top, around and inside! Just watching them, made me tired! I was also kinda glad that I'm pregnant and wasn't roped in to help. By the time the maid cane at 8am, it didn't seem like there was anything left for her to do.

After my mother berated her for 15minutes about how late she was, they sent her of to wash windows, shine the veranda and sweep the driveway! Really? Was all this even necessary?

I volunteered as a taster in the kitchen as lunch and snacks were being made and by 9am my mother was after Sabera to get done.

"Mummy, you do know that they only coming after 1, right?, there is still plenty of time!"

" mummy stop fussying, you making me nervous!"

"mummy, just leave me, Im fine!"

Sabera was starting to get on my nerves too, she was so laid back and lackadaisical about everything and mummy was running around like a headless chicken. I finally asked Imraan to take me to the mall for some last minute things but unfortunately he was expecting a very important international call and couldn't.

So, I asked my father. My father seemed relieved to have an excuse to leave the mad house for awhile and he didn't even complain when I dragged him between shops. It was nice to spend some alone, one-on-one time with him.

As we drove back home, I studied him from the passenger side seat. I was taken aback at how old he looked. His face had changed, he looked run down and tired. While we busy growing up, we don't really notice that they growing old. I think my parents could do with a holiday after the wedding, they need to sit back and relax abit!

Once we got home, I put the finishing touched to the tables and went off to change and then check in on Sabera.before we knew it, the boys side had arrived and the formalities began.

Luqmaan's family seemed really nice and Sabera was very relaxed. She seemed to be enjoying herself. After lunch, the boys side left and I went to admire the kunchaas they brought.

The gifts were very unique and different, a chefs hat, apron, baking utensils and a recipe book set in a gaint cupcake tin, was one.

A blank canvas with paint brushes and paint, made up another gift.

 Tea cups with a variety of teas, sugars and biscuits, set on a tray.

A picnic basket with sparkling grape juice and fresh strawberries. I was so impressed!Luqmaans family was very creative.

My father retired to his room and by Magrib he still hadn't emerged, my mother went to check on him.

I was in my room, finishing my salaah, when I heard my mothers terrified screams down the passage, I rushed out to see what happened just as Ahmed ran into my parents room, my mother  hurried to explain to him, as I listened in shock...
"it's daddy! His just laying there, his breathing is so shallow, his covered in sweat!", mummy said close to hysterics.

Monday, 24 November 2014



First, I apologise for the tardiness.

This week is a hectic one for me...
Not only am I shifting home but it is also my last week of maternity leave.

So in anticipation of much busi-ness, I am throwing the schedule to the wind. I will post as soon as I write, and try my best to keep to 3 post a week, atleast.

I have every intention of completing this story and I already know what's going to happen as we near the end...please bare with me as juggle all my responsibilities and projects.

Thank You for your understanding&readership.


Part 56: Generous Genies

Before we left on Sunday, Sabera pulled me aside to tell me she felt certain about this but very nervous.

My parents were very pleased.

I couldn't believe that we had a wedding to do while I was in so pregnant. I tried talking my father into delaying the wedding till after I had the babies but he laughed at me! There was no way.

My mother said I would complain even more with two newborns. Well, at least I have something to do now while Imraan's at work, planing Saberas wedding should full my days.
This coming weekend will be the Janna-Charow, since Sabera hates 'Indian Traditions', it's just going to be house people...Luqmaans brother and his family will be coming down since they haven't met Sabera yet.

Good thing its a small function, I can't exactly find anything comfortable to wear. I don't know when they going to have the Nikkah but I guess I shall have to wear a tent for the Walima!

On our way back from Port Shepstone we stopped to visit Imraan's parents. It's so weird going there, our room doesn't feel like 'our room' anymore though we read esha there.
I looked around it amazed how my perspective had changed in such a short time.
Even though we visited for a short time, it was so nice to see Sumaya, I really miss that bond we had.

Shireens pregnant again and very excited. She's already complaining about aches and pains and can barely keep up with the twins now.

My MiL spoke excitedly about her up coming trip, she is going to Dubai for two weeks with all her sisters, her brother and his wife. She promised me lots of gifts but I told her not to worry, she should just go enjoy herself.

" Jaa-Ja, my kushi is to spend on you'll...if I don't spoil you'll I won't be happy, no no...I heard about all the souks there, Il look for nice nice things.", She said.

" Jee, but it's not cheap there.", I said. Her open generosity was making me uncomfortable, our family was quite big, I didn't want her to feel like I expected gifts. It would be difficult for Mil to buy a ton of things for all of us, though I am sure my Fil would give her a generous allowance.

We left after a light tea and I was just falling asleep in the car when I heard Imraan say, " I gave mummy some spending money from our side for herself, about R10 000." was my husbands generosity that she was flaunting, now that made more sense, I could sleep easy.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Part 55: wedding bells

The trip to Port Shepstone was uneventful. I remember the last trip we made after Ramadaan back when we just found out we were pregnant.

Sabera looked absolutely stunning for her meeting with Luqmaan. She wore a simple but lovely knee-length top with jeans and her scarf and shoes just tied the outfit together. She looked stunning but no different from the way she dresses usually. I was so glad she didn't try to make herself into something she isn't.

Luqmaan wore jeans and a shirt tucked in, in a very smart casual look that suited him perfectly. I could already think of him as a 'brother', he looked very intimidated when he created Ahmed which was funny because Luqmaan was a year older than Ahmed, but Ahmed had that effect on people.

I couldn't help but notice that Luqmaan was wearing a shirt that was the exact shade of grey that Sabera loves, her room curtains were the very same colour. I wonder if it was a coincidence or he panned that.

My mother went all out for the visit and made a million little eats for them. I felt very privileged that even though I was technically from the "boys side", it was my parents home so nobody raised eyebrows when I heaped my plate multiple times and whacked lashings of chutney's.

Dadi kept saying, "kaah...kaah..." and eat I did!

When Sabera and Luqmaan came back from their brief chat, they looked like deer and doe caught in headlights. My heart went all melty...
This looked like a done deal but ofcorse Luqmaan left with a question he would have to wait for the answer too.

As soon as they left, Ahmed, Imraan and I turned to torment Sabera but she was way smarter than that...she rushed of to her room saying she had istikara to make.

Imraan and I had decided that we would spend the rest of the weekend with my parents. So I am totally looking forward to full share of spoiling. Ofcorse I am suddenly feeling for everything.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Part 54: Imraan makes a proposal

My family's visit was so good. I went out of my way to prepare for them but ofcorse my mother and Dadi came with a wagon worth of prepared meals to stock my freezer and fridge.

"now my wife won't cook for me for months!", Imraan said when he saw the loot.

"I'm surprised she cooks at all!", Sabera chimed in.

"Oh, we'll see what kind of a housewife you make!", I shot back at her

"I will be a kept women", Sabera sighed, pretending to study her manicure..." Besides, Dadi said she'll come once a week to cook for me!"

"Ja-Ja, tharu maathu!", Dadi retorted, eyeballing Sabera with disapproval.

My mother just shook her head at us as she helped me tidy up after lunch.

I made tea for us and then the four of us sat down for panchaat as my father went of with Imraan to inspect something in the garden.

I could see why my mother was so concerned about my Dad, he really looked tired and drained out. My mamagee had scheduled him for an ECG and a check up with a physician. My father was playing delay tactics.

As we sat and chatted about this and that, various members of the family and the latest in Muslim fashion, my father and Imraan came back in...both of them had a strange look on their faces.

We all looked at them waiting for them to father sat down and cleared his throat ... Then he stirred the cup of tea my mother had poured for him. The tension was thick.

I couldn't begin to imagine what was so serious but I had a small clue from the way Imraan kept glancing at Sabera.

Finally my father spoke.

"Imraan has made a proposal of sorts...", he said gravely.

What! My mother, Sabera and Dadi looked at him so confused.

I giggled at my fathers choice of words.

Imraan had mentioned to me that his friend Luqmaan had been asking about Sabera recently, ever since he saw her a few months ago when he bumped into us the weekend of Nasreen's baby shower.

Sabera too, had confided in me that he had invited her on Facebook as a friend.

My father explained to the three that Imraan had asked if it is okay for Luqmaan and his dad to come up to Port Shepstone to see Sabera.

Since Luqmaans mum had past away not to long ago and his brother lived in Johannesburg, Imraan and I would accompany them.

Even though Sabera had seemed chilled about the Facebook invite, I wasn't sure how she would react to the proposal. However, one look at her face said it all...she was red red red like a tomato...not from anger though! My sister was blushing!!!!!

I smiled across at Imraan as Sabera nodded her head at my father, telling him its okay for Luqmaan to come home.

My father smiled as my mother hugged her, trying to hide the tears in her eyes.
We all kind of had a feeling that " this was it" for Sabera. It was a bitter sweet moment.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Part 53: Dodged a bullet...

After I calmed down on Saturday night, we managed to have a beautiful date under the stars.

Imraan and I spoke about everything and life has more or less settled down into a happy routine.

Now that Imraan isn't working crazy hours, we can spend more time together and enjoy the last few months of our pregnancy. I can't believe that in 2 months we will be a family if four!

I changed my hospital booking to a hospital here to make life easier for us.

We spent yesterday exploring midmar dam and even took a short drive to the quaint little town of Nottingham Road. Imraan has booked us a weekend away at Midlands saddle and trout that I am really looking forward to.

But before that, we will be hosting my family and ofcorse there is that proposal ambush my mother has planned for Sabera. I don't think my mother is very good at deception though, because Sabera called me today, in a panic.

"Fatima! You have to help me stop mummy from inviting those people from coming to see me!!!", she practically yelled into the phone.
I didn't even get to ask her how she found out about it because she was off on another tangent.

"You remember my friend Serisha?...", Sabera asked.

"-yes! The one that's engaged to a Muslim boy?", I replied...remembering Sabera's pretty friend who came home for iftaar every night one Ramadaan, a scarf neatly perched on her head. She had explained that she had met a Muslim boy and they were going to get married , so she was practicing from now. That was years ago...what did she have to do with any of this!

" well yes! She's pregnant...-", Sabera said.

" oh wow, that's great, how far along is she? You didn't tell me she got married, did she marry the same guy?..", I said excitedly.

" she didn't! Fatima pay attention!!", Sabera said, impatiently.

"She didn't marry him, he never even introduced her to his family...he just kept promising that soon has his finished with his studies. She believed him because he was doing hifiz etc. Then she fell pregnant and when she told him he got very angry and said she was trying to trap him and he never wanted to see her again!", Sabera said in a rush.

Omw...i was shocked! Why was Sabera telling me all this but.

"Fatima, this is the same guy mummy wants me to meet.", Sabera finished with a sigh.

" Whaaaaaaaaaat!", I gasped, horrified.

Shoh! No wonder Sabera was so against it. The cheek of this boy, to string along a sweet girl, promising her the world and using her...and then dropping her to save your own reputation. No regard for her, her future and the child you fathered....and then, find a nice innocent girl to marry, who is non the wiser of your past! The story made me sick!

I told Sabera not to worry, I would sort it out. Later I called my mother and told her Imraan and I weren't willing to host these people because we have heard some very unflattering things. My mother sounded very annoyed  over my vague excuse but since it is our home, she couldn't push it. She did start stressing over what to tell the family so I suggested that she let Gori Foi, as the go between, to deal with it.

My mother called me back very late last night to tell me that a friend of hers was visiting and she confided in her about the dilemma over the proposal...some how, tue story about Serisha had reached this lady's ears and my mother was both shocked and grateful that we had managed to call off the meeting.

Dodged a bullet there...

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Part 52: Snot, tears and moonlight

Imraan sent me a text message after lunch today, it said: " get ready tonight...a date under the stars...dress to impress...its only for our eyes!"

I was so surprised to receive the message, I immediately tried to call him but it just rang till voicemail. I decided to play along, we really needed these 'dates', but were could we go where it would be just us! PMB isn't that big!
I decided to play it safe...I wore a low cut short dress with thights, I did my hair up into a high bun and glammed it up with a tiara clip and diamond earings, I put full make up on too, unfortunately I couldn't wear heels so I wore a very pretty, strappy sandal....then I wore an abayaa and scarf over!

This way, I was dressed to be out in public but if Imraan truly had a "just the two of us date" planned, then I just had to remove the abayaa and  scarf! Perfectoo!

When Imraan picked me up, I was so excited... I paid attention while he was driving to try and figure out where we were heading...funny thing looked like we were heading back to his office!! I hope I was wrong...there is nothing romantic about going to his office building!
I tried to keep up with the conversation as we drove but we just seem to get closer and closer to .... The Office!!!!

Imraan parked and turned to look at me, the excitement in his eyes was clear...excited about what!!!!! He spent all his time here and now he brings me HERE for a date too!!!!

Imraan laughed at the look on my face, he pulled out an airline eye cover from his pocket and told me to put it on...i almost growled at him...what kind of surprise was this! I couldn't keep the look of annoyance of my face...
"what are we doing here, Imraan!", I demanded.

" trust me babe, its not what you think, I promise.", Imraan said

Well what choice did I have! Once in the lift Imraan gave me the blindfold to wear. I looked at it skeptically.

"you sure that's a good idea? Im pretty wobbly anyway, I would be a hazard blinded", I said.
" Don't worry, I'll be your eyes.", Imraan said laughing.

I was really questioning his thought process...a surprise date at his office? Blindfolding his very pregnant wife? Imraan's insane!!

I reluctantly slipped on the blindfold and  within seconds the lift launched upward, I grabbed the rail to steady myself, Imraan placed a reassuring hand on my arm. I felt the lift come to a halt and the door slid open, I blast of cool air greeted didn't smell like a stuffy office.

As Imraan guided me out of the lift I got the sense that I wasn't indoors anymore.
"you can take out the blindfold.", Imraan whispered.

I took of the cover and slowly opened my eyes...the sight made my breath catch!
Imraan slipped his hand into mine and lifted it to his lips...he kissed it and looked into my surprised eyes...a slow smile lingered on his lips..."Surprise!", he said.

I laughed...i couldn't help it...i just laughed.
I laughed at my earlier reservations and my hesitation. I laughed at Imraan, his boyishness, his secrecy. I laughed...and it felt so good.

It was like a release of all the tension from the last few weeks, all the emotions...
And then, my laughter turned to tears...

There I stood, on the roof garden of the office building. The night sky was a decadent dark blue that looked almost black...the stars twinkles above me. Lit candles were placed here and there, the flames swaying in the gentle breeze, and there I stood, crying!
The tears poured out of me, not sweet gentle ones...No! These were hot, snotty, hiccup tears, running rivers down my face, spoiling my makeup.

I stood crying my eyes out as I looked at the beautiful set up of scattered cusions and lanterns on a soft green blanket. The picnic basket and bucket of ice that was chilling our drinks...the fancy tableware and the bouquet of roses...

Imraan had planned the perfect, romantic, private date...and I was thanking him as if I was at a funeral!!

My sweet sweet husband, just wrapped me in a tight embrace, till my tears came to an end...

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Part 51: Matchmaking and ambushing

My mother called me back to tell me the real reason she called!
Gori Foi had phoned to say her  say that her neighbour was looking for a 'nice girl' for her son.

"Ettlo haro pooiro che!, kurta, beard ne hando!", Gori foi had said to mummy.

So the lovely boy wants to meet Sabera.
Sabera however, is just not interested!

Mummy said that after much persuasion Sabera had relented and agreed to atleast meet him, she even got curious about his name and surname and mummy had thought she was finally coming around. Then all of a sudden she flew of the handle and changed her mind. She was refusing to meet him.

Mummy and Gori Foi decided that telling the boys family not to come now was just rude, so they arranged for them to meet at my home!
Sabers is going to be furious! I begged mummy not to put me in the middle of this. My mother somehow talked me into agreeing and I just had a nasty feeling.

My mother thinks Sabera is just being difficult, this boy was from a respected family, he was a hafiz, he is an accountant and already has a my mothers eyes, it was already a match.

Once I got of the phone with my mother, I too was thinking that no harm could come from them just meeting. Nobody was asking Sabera to marry him on the spot, or even like him...but she could at least meet him.

Imraan didn't like my mothers sneaky idea about ambushing Sabera into meeting this guy. Imraan felt like Sabera probably had a good reason to refuse...

"A good reason like what!", I challenged him.

" like maybe she already has somebody else in her life or on her mind.", Imraan suggested.


How could Imraan even suggest that!
I was so mad at him.

He smiled slyly..." Maybe her big sister thought her a thing or too...!", he winked.

I couldn't help but laugh!

"Well, if it doesn't work out with this guy, there is somebody I would like to introduce her too...", Imraan said offhandedly.

Whaaaaat! Who?!;!

Imraan that monkey...he just winked again and left for work.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Part 50: Errands and Excuses

As hard as Imraan and I have been trying, we seemed to be getting lost in the whole humdrum of life. It seems as if little things are making huge spaces between us.
I have been so focused on setting up home and Imraan is very busy with work, I between all that was MiLs drop -in and now my Gori Foi is acting up.

When we moved to PMB I didn't think that my Aunty would decide that we her new taxi drivers. She phones me every fee days with some errand or the other.

"Fatima bethi, can you please give me lift to the hair salon, so many days I never dye my hair."

"Salaam Likum Fati, how you! You know that fabric shop down their on church street, must tell me if you going that side, no hurry hurry, I just want to get some material before the sale finishes."

"Fatima, when you get a chance must take me to the dress maker."

Argh!!! Im pregnant, I hate driving around in the heat. Im also not familiar with the streets and Gori Fois directions are just terrible!!

" Turn over there!"
"go back go back!"
"little bit more"
" next to the black car is the driveway"

It was way to stressful so I started making excuses, doctors cramps...stomach pains...anything I could think of!

I must have over did it abit coz my mother called last night, her voice full of worry!
" Fatima are you okay batchoo?"

" Jee I am fine mummy."

" you sure? I just spoke to Gori Foi now and she says you always feeling sick and going to the doctors."

I felt so guilty, good thing my mother couldn't see my red face through the phone!

" if you want me to come stay with you for a few days, just let me know!"

I felt horrible now, my mother didn't need the stress, my dad wasn't feeling well and mummy was taken a strain because of it.

" no no mummy, I'm okay I promise. Sometimes I just make things more dramatic because Gori Foi always needs a lift here and there", I finally admited

"What!!! She's using you to take her around! In your condition! I'll tell Dadi about this", my mother fumed

Oh-0, now I was really causing it.

"Mummy stop fussing, I'm fine really...hows daddy?"

My mother heaved a huge sigh and I immediately felt her worry stress as she spoke about my fathers lack of energy, chest pains and stubbornness. He was still refusing to go to the doctor!

My mother said she was thinking of inviting mamagee up for lunch on Sunday so he could by the way talk some sense into my father and perhaps check him out!

"He still wants ghee rotis and oily oily achaar, Fatima!", my mother said sounding so upset.
I got of the phone feeling horrible, I decided I really needed to go visit my parents soon.

As luck would have it...they decided to come to see me. 


The blog didn't update automatically and I only realized that now.

I will post manually in a moment.

Sorry guys!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Part 49:Point Taken

Pregnancy brain really got me for a six, after fajr I had explained to Imraan how I had mixed up the dates and he couldn't believe it.

We had such a lovely date night last night. We went to a really nice restaurant for supper and a drive through the empty streets afterwards as we chatted and laughed. It was so good to spend time with him like that.

Imraan assured me that things would settle down soon for him at work and we would have more time together. I was glad.

I tried to explain to Imraan how annoyed I was that his mother had rearranged the kitchen to suit herself but he didn't understand. He said she was only trying to help and I can just put it right when she was gone, no big deal.

Today Shireen and Bilal drove up to fetch MiL since her friend had decided to stay in PMB for a few more days, while everybody was eating lunch I asked the twins to go to the garage and see if the want to set some of Imraan's tools right for him. Imraan is very fussy about his tools, he has a special cabinet for them that he made himself and everything is neatly organized.

I watched at the twins reset all the containers of screws and nuts and bolts according to the lid colours and then mixed up the star and flat screwdrivers. I was more than happy for their "help" and directed them out before they caused to much of a ruckus.

So tonight after supper I asked Imraan to please screw on the hinge that had come of the cupboard door...his shout of irritation from the garage when he discovered his neatly arranged tools had, me laughing.

I tried to keep a straight face as Imraan came back demanding to know what happen to his tool cabinet...

" oh, the twins...they were just trying to can just rearrange it now,they gone.."

Imraan looked like he was going to explode!!!
He must off caught my hard to hide grin because his face suddenly changed as the penny dropped.
'Point taken', he muttered as he back walked out of the kitchen, " Il speak to my mum".
" Thanks!", I replied with a smug look...
"oh and Imraan...dont forget to fix that door for me!"
"Humph!", was the only reply followed by the jingle of the tools....

Monday, 3 November 2014

Announcement: Schedule Change


The wait is over...Fatima and her panchaat are back!!!! Thank you for your patience.

Unfortunately, I can't write fast enough due to time constraints and other commitments so all her drama and dandaas will come to you on Monday-Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 9am.

Don't miss it!

Part 48: Trouble in Paradise

I quickly pressed the button to open the gate to allow my MiL in. I had no idea she was coming for a visit today. She and my FiL had already come to 'see' the place when we first moved. Maybe she had told Imraan and he forgot to tell me.

Imraan has been so busy with work, I barely see him. He flies out the door, grabbing his breakfast as he goes. Most nights he calls to say he will be late, not to wait up for him. I try to stay positive about it but I do get lonely, I barely know anybody in PMB except my Gori Foi and her husband, and quiet frankly, she works on my nerves now days!

My MiL started talking as soon as she saw me, clearly not offended by the incident.
" Fatima Barbie! Salaam Alikum, I'm so lucky to get a lift here today. You know my friend fazila, from the corner house, yah she told me she was coming up today because her DiL went into labour, Shukaar Alhumdulliah, I said let me just jump in with her, atleast I can come help you here. Look at taqdeer, who knew I will be here today!"

Oh boy....there goes my relaxing bubble bath. Serves me right for thinking that I was 'lonely'.
I shouldn't have stressed about playing hostess, my MiL made herself right at home. She changed from wedge clogs to champals and switched the kettle on. Once she had her tea she looked towards the stove, her brow frowning...

" Fatima Barbie, areh areh, no pots on the stove? It's 2 o' clock already, what time you going to start cooking?"

I just sighed...maybe it was pregnancy hormones or maybe I was just over tired, but I really wasn't in the mood for my MiLs dramatics today. I should have just let Elie chase her away!!!!

" No Ma, Imraan's taking me out for supper tonight", I said.

Imraan was feeling guilty about how little time we had spent together over the last few weeks since we moved, so to make up for it, he decided we would do a date night. I was seriously thinking of canceling it now. I was exhausted and this impromptu visit from his mother, wasn't helping either.

As I watched her scanning my kitchen with her critical eyes, I found myself seething. I decided I needed a time-out, I excused myself to take a shower.

When I came back my MiL was busy arranging canisters on the counter. I decided to ignore her and go read Quraan and get ready for my date with Imraan.

By half five I was really hungry, I was tired of all my MiL stories too. I actually envied Elie as she got her stuff together to leave. I wondered when MiL will be leaving so I casualy asked her if her friends DiL had had her baby.

"No no, she is still in labour, shame man. Fazila phoned to say she can't go back to Durban tonight. Luckily I carried spare set clothes. You see, must always be prepared!". My MiL said.
My patience was really thin today, I found myself fuming! Not only did my MiL drop in unannounced but now she just decided to stay overnight aswell. She wasn't even
apologizing ! She knew Imraan and I were planning to go out too.

Being six months pregnant in the heat wasn't doing me any favours. I was moody and the stress of moving, settling in and adjusting to Imraan's new schedule, was all taking a toll on me.

I decided to breath in and out and try to calm down. It helped abit.

An hour later I was still waiting for Imraan, I was really hungry now and debated whether to have a sandwich or just wait. I tried Imraan's phone but it just rang. I didn't want to have something to eat if he was just a few minutes away and then be too full to enjoy my supper.
Half an hour later, I gave up. I made a sandwich for me and one for MiL, we ate in near silence. After we were done I tried Imraan's phone again, it went straight to voicemail. I sighed and slipped of my shoes, either he was very busy and delayed or he completely forgot our plans, either way, I was sick of waiting. I made him a sandwich too and left it in the micro.

MiL saw my mood and decided to make excuses for him. I excused myself and went to bed.

 I heard Imraan coming in late that night, as he got into bed he whispered, "everything alright?", I hmmmmed in reply...
"Oki, don't forget, tomorrow is our date night", Imraan said as he kissed me goodnight.

I sneaked a peep at my cellphone...sure enough, I had my dates mixed up! Argh!

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Part 47: Settling in...

The shrill ringing of the intercom buzzer made me jump. I had been daydreaming as I finished up in the kitchen.

My kitchen was finally organized and fully functional and I was so proud. The kitchen is the heart of the home after all.

I was so pleased with my shiny new appliances, I couldn't stop admiring them. Imraan hadn't spared any cost, he obligingly paid for all my whims and fancies, Alhumdulliah. I was thrilled with the end result.

We were slowly putting our home together and surprisingly in such a short time we had achieved so much. There was still loads to do though, the kitchen was the first room to be completely done.

Now I am going to concentrate on our bedroom and bathroom, both were completely functional so it's just the special finishing touches left.

I sighed happily as I put the last spice bottle in the rack...ahh perfect!

The insistent buzzer went of again, immediately annoying me!

 Argh...Now what!!!

When the previous owner, Aunty Fatima, had said to expect a few 'service providers', I had assumed she ment a Gardner or roof cleaner, I wasn't prepared for the crazy...

First was the mealie lady...she came that first Monday, pressing the intercom to tell me "your mealies GoGo"
"my mealies! Err no thanks!" niether Imraan nor I were very fond of mealies.

She pressed the buzzer again to say "aww GoGo, but you always take the mealies!"
I tried to explain to her over the intercom that I wasn't GoGo but I gave up...

I sent Elie to explain to her that the house had new owners and her mealies will no longer be required.

Elie was Aunty Fatimas maid, when we bought the house, aunty Fatima asked us if we wouldn't mind keeping her as she felt bad leaving her without a job, she had been with them for the past 10 years and was completely trustworthy.

I readily agreed, I didn't want to go looking for household help in a new town. Elie proved to be a gem, she knew her work and was efficient, unfortunately she wasn't very bright.

Last week a man pressed the buzzer, when I answered he said he was selling "mops, brooms and feather dusters" I sent Elie to get me a feather duster. When she came back she didn't have any change for me, when I asked her why, she said that the man kept the change because Aunty Fatima use to give him little extra...
...little extra???!!!!
 I had paid R100 for the R20 feather duster.
Oh well...

Last Saturday's buzzer business was by far the most bizarre. When I told Imraan about it he wouldn't  stop laughing!

The buzzer had sounded around midmorning, by then I knew better than to hurry for it. After it went off a few times I decided to get it. I pressed the botton saying "hello"
The reply came...."Chicken fat, bones, anything!"
Say what! I was so shocked, why would Aunty Fatima be buying those things from a house to house seller!

Elie saw my expression and said, " the mama comes to get chicken fat and bones from Madaam every week"
So I held down the button again and said, "sorry nothing!"
The buzzer sounded immediately!
" haibo madam! I come from so far!"

I honestly didn't have anything so I gave Elie some canned food and biscuits to give the mama and tell her that the owners had moved.
Shew...these buzzer people were really starting to bother me.

So that's why I was trying to ignore the buzzer today, I didn't want to deal with anymore bizarre stuff. I hoped the person would get the message and move on.

But it seemed this person was determined to finish the batteries maybe, the buzzer continued shrilly.

Elie!!!!, I called out.
"yes madam", she said
" Go see who that is and tell them to go away!", I said annoyed.

I heard Elie through the open kitchen window as she went towards the gate and called out, "Madam said GO AWAY!!!"

And the reply came, " Tell madam its her Mother-in-law!!!"


Now what!!!!!

Friday, 17 October 2014

As SalaamuAlikum/Hello/Hi

I hope everybody is well.
As promised this announcement is to confirm Season 2.

Fatima and all her panchaat will be back from 1st November.

I hoped to resume earlier but unfortunately things have been hectic and only 3 episodes are ready.

But get ready....PMB isn't the sleepy little town Fatima thought it would be...

can her marriage survive the long working hours Imraan puts in?
Is MiL missing them abit too much?
Does buying somebody's house mean you inherent the lifestyle too?
Does Gori Foi think they moved her for her?
Is Sabera ready too get married?
An unexpected death in the family, changes everything....

Season 2, coming soon...

Till then, don't miss us too much...

Friday, 3 October 2014

Announcement: Time for a Break

As Fatima gets ready to shift to her new hometown she wont have time to update her I am going to take a much needed break!

I know, i don't want to hear that but I really need it.

When I wrote the first page of this story, I never thought it would turn into a series...
But here we are, more than 50 posts and more than 50 000 page views  later...

The live blog has finally caught up with Fatima's panchaat, all the preset post have been depleted.

So, Let Fatima shift and settle in and then we'll join her in PMB...

Coz I'm sure she will find panchaat wherever she is!

In the mean time, I need to recharge, work on the storyline, get fresh perspective and introduce some new characters...

Also, I need to set the stage for the ending.
So Real Guji Wife is going on a holiday...but we will be back, in our regular time slot (with a possible name change). Please check back on October 17th for an Announcement regarding Season 2.

Fresh ideas, new plots, old favourites and new characters and Fatima's nose for drama...Season 2 coming soon!

Also, a big big thank you to everybody who reads this blog...a bigger thank you to those who comment, you keep me entertained and motivated!

Amongst my favourite commenters I found an amazing writer!Please go check out her blog...I promise you will be blown away.

Another blog I really enjoy is journey in a journal.

Go show them some love!

Enjoy the break.
Till Season two...

Part 46: It's a wrap!

I had completely forgiven Imraan for all the weirdness over Zain.  Even though it hurt my feelings that he had jumped to conclusions like that, I wasn't prepared to dwell over it and let it feaster.

That doesn't mean I wasn't enjoying Imraan making it up to me! He was extra sweet to me this morning, he woke up early and went to the garage to buy me a cappuccino from the machine coz he knows I love that one!
At lunch time he had a delivery waiting for me...Biryani!

Coz he knows chocolates and flowers wouldn't melt me the way dek biryani would.
I love how Imraan knows me so well. I love him more for it.

I spent my free-time making a to-do list of what I need to do next week ahead of the move.Today was my last official day at work but I would be coming in next week to have a party with the children to say good-bye.

  The principal had handed me a memo to sign...i was surprised to see that it was an invite for a farewell in my honour! I can't believe they going through so much trouble. Luckily I had already decided to buy each member of staff a small parting gift.

This weekend Imraan and I will be packing some of our clothes. We also need to buy some household basics. My MiL said she will cook and freeze some meals for us to run us the first week or two till we settle in so we can do grocery shopping later.

I'm so excited to put together our home and begin the new chapter of our lives.

I also spoke to my mother today and she sounded abit stressed out, she said my dad had been complaining about chest pains and he refused to go to the doctor.

I know how stubborn my father can be so I can just imagine what a hardtime she must be having.

My family would be visiting me in PMB in a few weeks, once Imraan and I settle down.

I have a busy week ahead of me till move day...Shew!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Part 45: waterworks

Imraan didn't bother replying to MiL...he just took a deep breath and blew it out slowly...
I guess he had his say and he was ready to calm down...but oh!, I hadn't even gotten started!!

I turned on the TV and turned the volume all the way up, then I walked into the bathroom and gestured for Imraan to follow me, I opened the tap full blast.

Imraan came in and sat on the closed toilet...

I looked at him for a long minute...

Then I finally said, "Do you really think I cheated on you?"

"No", he said simply.

" Then what was all this about?". I demanded.

" Yesterday I used your car to go to the gym, I stopped to fill fuel...when I opened the ash try to dump the change, a piece of paper popped out...". Imraan said.


" it said Zain Mohammed and it had some contact details. I didn't know you knew anybody with that name but I just put it back...i didn't think anything of it...", Imraan went on...

" Then I gave Saleem a lift home and he found a packet stuffed under the seat, it had a pack of kiss and hearts boxes and he started teasing me because it was size small...
I was just wondering why you bought them, if that's not my size but I still didn't think anything of it..." Imraan continued...

" this morning I took the IPad with me because my laptop is gone for software upgrades. I had time to kill and when I opened Facebook I saw that just threw me...not even two minutes later you sent a message saying you hunting for the IPad..." Imraan went on

" it just got to much Fatima...too many coincidents and my over thinking brain..." Imraan finished.

 "please tell me what's going on! Please explain this..", Imraan said, desperately.

I wanted to laugh...really, I wanted to laugh.
Imraan looked so wounded...i just wanted to laugh. But I was also very hurt, Imraan's assumption/accusation/reaction stung...

" you should have started off this conversation with this part and given me a chance to explain first..", I said quietly

" the fact that you even think that I would do that to us! Plus I'm expecting 
....", I said...getting riled up again

The tears that had been threatening to spill all evening, finally did.

Imraan tried to awkwardly comfort me but I pushed him away...

Finally I forced myself to stop the water works and talk...

"that number was for Bilal and Shireen...that guy who helped the twins at Mr Price, I took his details for them.

Those boxes were for you, only when I got home I saw they were the wrong size so I kept them under the seat so I could exchange them, I didn't want you to find it first.

I have no idea why that guy sent me a message on Facebook, I didn't see that message at all...i was looking for the iPad because I thought it got stolen..."

By the time I finished Imraan looked even more devastated than before.

" Fatima, I am so sorry...i don't know what got into me!", he said.

"I don't know either!", I replied.

I turned off the tap and walked out of the bathroom, I switched off the tv, got into bed and closed my eyes...

I heard Imraan leave the room.

I short while later he returned...with two magnums in a garage packet.

"Please forgive me so sorry." he said offering me one

I took the ice cream...

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Part 44: Assumptions and Speculation...

Today when I got home from school, I found myself with nothing to do. I had no work for the next day nor was it my turn in the kitchen.
The house was kind off quiet too, everybody was off doing their own thing.

I flipped through channels and then decided to do some Facebook stalking...but I couldn't find the Ipad anywhere!

I hunted around abit in the usual places but it was nowhere to be seen...

Of course I immediately thought that Tumi or Thembi might have pinched it...after all, hadn't I used it just last night?

I distinctly remember playing games while imraan was at gym, I left it on the side table in sure...without logging off or switching it off, as usual.

Maybe one of them came into the room and saw the opportunity to take it?

Wait!wait! Wait!

I was jumping to was a terrible habit I must have picked up from my mother, every time something is misplaced, I immediately think it must have been stolen by the maid! I really need to stop making these false assumptions.

It was entirely possible Imraan could have put it somewhere...

I sent him a quick message asking if he knew where the Ipad was and then I heard Talha and Tariq so I went to chat to Sumaya.

When Imraan came home from work he was unusually quiet, not his usual jolly self. I asked him if he had a bad day at work but he just shrugged.

I guess his a bit overwhelmed with work...

At supper time I started to worry, i was  getting a weird vibe from Imraan...almost like he was upset with me! I couldn't understand why...

It definitely wasn't my imagination I decided after imraan ate in near silence, refusing to look at me, he didn't even ask me to pass him the bread that was right next to me, he asked Sumaya instead!

By the time we got to our room I was really worrying.

"Imraan...are you angry with me?", I asked quietly.

" here's the IPad you wanted!", Imraan said tossing the tablet onto the bed.

"oh, Oki...want to tell me what's wrong?", I asked.

" want to tell me who's zain?", Imraan shot back.

" what! Zain? I don't know!", I said confused.

I was so baffled by Imraan's behavior...

"Don'!", Imraan said through clenched teeth.

" I am NOT lying, why would I lie!", I replied, almost in tears.

Imraan grabbed the IPad from the bed and furiously started punching his finger at the screen...then he practically shoved it under my nose!

" THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS!!!!", he yelled, close to tears himself.

The tears in my eyes made everything blurring, I had never seen Imraan so angry before and his behavior was frightening me...we have had fights obviously, but nothing like this...worse thing is, I didn't even know what we were fighting about!

I looked down into the screen, trying to see through my tears, it took me a minute to recognize the Facebook messaging app that was open, and another to make out the blurry writing...:

Zain Mohammed
It was so nice to meet you the other day, 'a person like you is truly rare',as you said to me. Can't help but hope that our paths cross again sometime. Tc mwah
28 September , 19:08


Before I could register the message or even explain, Imraan started up again...

" is this why you were looking for the Ipad so frantically today? You didn't want me to see the message! You wanted to reply!"

Imraan was furious! And guess what...

I was furious too!

How dare he think that low of me!

But before I could even speak, a knock on the door interrupted us...

" Imraan everything okay?"

Oh, here's the cherry on top... of course the whole damn house was ears wide open for this little fiasco...and MiL was leading the circus!

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Part 43: dholl and yellow rice...

Friday evening with Ayesha was such a laugh! She had tons of tales about her new SiL that had us all in stitches!

Nothing brings guji women together quiet like gibbaat of other guji while Ayesha had enough stories for many a novels...she also had a very attentive audience made up of MiL, Sumaya, Shireen and I.

Ayesha's youngest BiL had just married a month ago and his new bride had brought her own drama to the household.
Ayesha gleefully told us about the day her MiL had to rewash Every.Single.Thing in the kitchen...Everything!

"Everything!", exclaimed Shireen, " Why on earth!"

" Ay that Gori Bhen has a problem! She likes to wash dishes too much! How she washed everything that time we came for supper..Areh areh...then she put clean clean dishes in the dishwasher! Jaa-Jaa!", My MiL said.

Sumaya was nodding in agreement, while shireen and I looked at each other shocked!

" gets better!", Ayesha said,  trying to hold her laughter.

"when Suleman and Rizwaana came back from honeymoon, after supper we never let her help, nuwe dulhaan and as usual my MiL 'rinsed' all the supper dishes and loaded the dishwasher, she always puts it on after breakfast everyday.

Anyway, in the morning when I got the kitchen I set the table and made breakfast and lunch for Qasim and the boys.

After breakfast my MiL went to put the dirty 'rinshed' breakfast dishes in the washer but the dishwasher was empty!

Aye she was panicing!

Then Rizwaana told us she woke up early and emptied the dishwasher and packed all the clean dishes away!"

We all looked at Ayesha with our mouths hanging open as we put two and two together!


Ayesha nodded laughing!

"Yup, she thoughed all the dirty dishes in there were already washed! That's how clean my MiL rinses them! So she packed it away...
My MiL almost fainted! She rewashed Every.Single.Thing in the HAND! Coz she didn't know where what went!", Ayesha ended in laughter...

Shoh...i almost felt sorry for her MiL, poor thing! And poor Rizwaana! She must have been mortified!

"wait wait! That's not all...have you ever eaten dholl and kitchri?", Ayesha asked us.

" eeew! No!", Sumaya said.

" Ayee...whats that?", Shireen asked.

" That's what I had for Jumuah lunch last Friday!", Ayesha said with a naughty smile.

" Jaa-Jaa!...ghandi waat!", MiL said, shaking her head at Ayesha.

"Last Friday my MiL told Rizwaana to cook, so Rizwaan decided to make dholl and rice, aloo fry, paapar, fried fish, sorji, salsa and she even went and broke mangos from the neighbours tree to make fresh methi pickle...", Ayesha explained.

"Sounds yummy!", I said.

" Yah, it was! She went through so much trouble...except she stressed herself out so much she put Urud(tumeric) in the rice!", Ayesha said in another fit of laughter.

" whaaaaat!!!", we all said together, laughing in disbelief!

"yup! She tried to rinse it out but it was too late and she couldn't  waste 4 cups of rice! Yes...she made enough yellow rice for 20 people!", Ayesha finished.

Shame, I was amused but I also felt sorry for this Rizwaana girl...being a new DiL is no easy thing...little boo-boos kinda freak you out.

For the rest of the evening Ayesha entertained us with all her stories...but the real gem of the day came from my MiL who said...

Drum roll please...

" at least my DiLs have ackaal (common sense)..."

Oh but she said it so off handedly we didn't even get a chance to bask in the glow of her backhanded compliment...

Monday, 29 September 2014

Part 42: babies and birth plans

Meeting Nasreen's little Baba on Friday was so lovely, he was tiny and too precious. Small eyes, little nose, a tiny rosebud mouth, wrinkled fingers...aww and the smell! That sweet sweet newborn smell, ahhh.

Imraan ofcorse didn't leave his Guji mentality in the car park, as soon he looked at baby Nabeel, he started with the "He looks just like...".

Nasreen wasn't hearing any of it, "My son looks just like himself, nobody else...dont project your speculation on to him."

...shew! I forget sometimes how blunt Nasreen can be.

Imraan wasn't phased though...he was use to it, his sister Ayesha was alot like Nasreen in that regard.

We had a lovely visit with Nasreen but once we got to the car Imraan asked me why we were the only visitors their...i had to explain to him that Nasreen only started telling people she had a baby now, and we were amongst the first few to know...he was beyond shocked!

She wanted her labour and delivery to be a private affair, her mum and MiL will only meet the baby this evening and they can start telling the rest of the family but Nasreen won't be accepting visitors for the next two weeks.

Imraan was having a hard time swallowing all this...

"What she going to do if people come to visit by her mums place?, there won't be nurses to keep them away!", Imraan said

" she's not going by her mum, she's going home, she has a doula who will come to show her how to bath her baby etc...her mum is considered a visitor too...", I explained

Imraan was blown away, " I get no visitors, kind off...but not even her mother!!!"

Lol, how do you explain to Imraan, Nasreen's crazy philosophies'...

" She wants her post delivery period to be about their new little family, just her, Muhammad and baby. she doesn't want disruptions, inconvenience and irritation...she says that it would be a nightmare dealing with visitors when you should be bonding with the baby..." I tried to explain.

"she also doesn't want her mum or MiL because they will want to help by taking over the baby, she doesn't need that, she needs help running errands and doing house work. the baby must be her only job...something about other peoples scents and perfumes interfering with establishing breastfeeding."

I could see Imraan being completely lost...

" All I remember is that when Ayesha had her baby she came to stay for over a month, I was in matric and the house was crazy!", Imraan said

" There was alot of people around and my mother was so busy seeing to Ayesha, plus the baby, plus the visitors...Mummy really got tired."

" Ayesha's son use to cry so much, all the time...he was always hungry I think."

" Thank goodness when she had the second fellow, I was staying on campus! Maybe Nasreen has a point!", Imraan said with a laugh.

I suddenly started thinking about what kind off boundaries I want to set for when I have my babies...

That made me realize I really needed to think about it, it was going to be a logistical nightmare!

I will be living in PMB by then, our hospital was in Durban. If I wanted to do traditional Huwawar Il have to go to Sheppy, traveling for an hour with two small newborns?...shew!

Imraan must have read my mind..." don't worry, lets move first then we can make a birth plan"

I burst out laughing...a birth plan is for the labour I told him!

He smiled, " Lucky you booked us in for those prenatal classes, then"

I decided he was right, Il wait for the classes and then make informed decisions that would suit our needs.

When we got home, a familiar car was parked in the we hadn't seen in awhile but!

" Ayesha's here!", Imraan said excitedly.

Imraan's sister barely visits nowdays, which is too bad, she such a riot! I couldn't wait to hear all her funny stories'...

The weekend looked very interesting....and it was!

Friday, 26 September 2014

Part 41: End to the crazy, start of new beginnings

Yesterday, I woke up to a brightly lit room, as the events of the previous day came to mind, I shot up from bed..."hey sleepy head, how you feeling", Imraan spoke from the  desk in the corner of our room, he was typing on his laptop but he was still in PJs.

I looked at my bedside clock, 10:45, OMW!!! I was majorly late for work...!!!!

" I called us both in sick!" Imraan said, reading my mind again.

I looked at him shocked...Imraan never takes sick leave...a few hours off, yah...but a whole day?!

I couldn't seem to find my voice.

" you hungry ?", Imraan asked as he walked towards me, he bent to kiss me..."wash up and meet me in the kitchen", he smiled as he left.

I got out of bed wearily, in the bathroom I stared at myself in the mirror...after I washed up, I went to the kitchen, Imraan's was already sitting to eat

..i wanted to ask him about the helicopter when the twins walked in with Shireen...

Yusuf had a bouquet of red roses that he gave to me, " Thank you for finding us yesterday.", he said to me.

 I hugged him.

Yusair handed me a gift bag, " we sorry for being so naughty we won't do it again", he said...

" thank you Yusair", I said as I hugged him, I hope you and Yusuf are going to be good now...

Yusuf, Yusair , Imraan and Shireen were looking at me like I had two heads suddenly...

"what?" I asked confused.

" you can tell them apart now?", Shireen said amazed.

I started laughing...i didn't even realize that! "Guess you can't play tricks on me anymore", I told the two boys...

As we ate I finally managed to asked Imraan about the damn helicopter that MiL mentioned that night.

.."oh that, when we couldn't find you I phoned insurance to track your car, the tracker picked up that the car was on the freeway, slow moving...that didn't tell me if you were safe though, just that the car was moving...i knew I wouldn't be able to get to you in traffic by road so I requested that they send a helicopter to check on you, they didn't want too, some 24 hour wait period I paid them to send it , I wanted a clear confirmation that you were driving..."

What!!! Imraan's like a real stalker...his insane!

I just shook my head,!

I was about to tell him that, when MiL walked in tears...Bilal was at her heels, ranting and raving...i didn't get the whole story, but it was obvious that MiL was being blamed for fiasco...she had given the twins the money, after all...

I knew Bilal won't let this go until somebody takes the blame...i wonder if he stopped to think about how he made it seem that they were kidnapped because of the shop...


Today as we got ready for Jumuah, Imraan reminded me that we have two weeks to get ready to move into our new place, everything was finalized...

Oh wow!

We decided to just buy the basics to function and then do up each room and furnish as time goes...

Two weeks!

TWO weeks!!!!

OMW...i have soo much to do, better start making a list!

My ringing phone got me out of my mild panic was Muhammad, Nasreen's husband...

" as salaaau alikum Kala", came the cheerful voice.

" what Kala! I'm still young!", I laughed back...

" well you are a Kala to a masha'Allah baby boy..." Muhammad said

Waaaaat! Nasreen had her baby! OMW!!!

Nasreen and Muhammad had told everyone that they wished for a private birth experience and will call only after baby was born and they felt ready to share ...

" Nasreen gave birth yesterday afternoon, he is healthy and she's well, she says I can tell you to come visit"

" Yay! We'll be there after lunch, can't wait!"

I'm so thrilled...time for new beginnings...

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Part 40: Home Sweet Home

It took forever to get out of the grid locked CBD at peak hour.

There were two accidents on the freeway on the way home and something major ws going on too...a helicopter was hovering over traffic and kept zoning in on my car it kept the boys very entertained but was freaking me out.

On the way home I managed to get the full story out of Yusuf and Yusair, as scary as today was, I already knew that this would be a family tale we would tell for many years to come...

The boys told me they really wanted to go to the park but because mummy didn't want to take them they decided to take a bus like nazley and reyaan do.

Nazley and Reyaan are the children of a lady Shireen befriended at the park named Layla.

From the snippets I heard from MiL, she lived in Sydenham and came to the park in our area because the one near her wasn't safe. She was a 'coloured Muslim' so ofcorse MiL didn't approve of her.

"where did you get money for the bus fare?", I asked them.

"Dadi!", replied one in a sing song voice.

"she gave us R100!", said the other

"yah buses are expensive coz they so big."

The boys told me they that they were on the bus the 'whole day' and Yusuf needed to pee and the money man was asking them where they were jumping off and they kept saying park and he said no park...

"we got scared", Yusair told me

"so when we saw Mr price, we jumped off...coz mummy always takes us to Mr price", Yusuf said.

These two have no idea what kind of trouble they going to be in...ah the innocence's of youth...

When I finally pulled into our driveway, it was  close to 7pm, I was physically and mentally exhausted!

All the lights in the house were on, Imraan's car was already in the driveway, the police cars were still there, so was my mamagee's...

I knew I was in more trouble than either of the boys...i didn't think I had the energy left to deal with any of this now...

As soon as I parked the boys shot out off the car, running towards the house...shireen and Bilal where already outside waiting for them...even from inside the car, I could hear Shireens relief, I shook my head as she chided her two rascals...i slumped against the seat and closed my eyes'...

It wasn't even a second when my car door was flung open. I smelt him before I even saw him...i braced myself for his anger...

"baby I'm so glad you okay! I was so worried!", Imraan said.

Imraan's words almost broke my heart...i felt him gently tug my arm, I got out of the car and collapsed against my husband.

i hadn't even realized I was crying until Imraan wiped away my tears. He held me tight against him for a minute and then without a word he scooped me up and carried me into the house.

As soon as he set me down, my MiL started up, "Fatima! How could you do this, you know how worried we were! We thought something happen to you, you just went, no phone nothing...gandi answer we had for Imraan when he came home!

Becharo Imraan was so worried we couldn't find you and the twins! Imraan had to pay for that helicopter to come check on you! Waste of money!"...

What! Paid for a helicopter!

But before I could even ask, Imraan scooped me up again.

 " Fatima doesn't need to hear this, you'll should thank her for bring those two home safely...and I'd like to give an earful to the idiot who left two five year olds unattended that long!", Imraan said it calmly but sternly then he carried me all the way to the room.

He laid me on the bed as my mamagee knocked at the door...

"Fatima bethi! What you doing to an old man like me!"
Seeing him made me think of my parents! Oh-No! I hope nobody told them...i looked at Imraan but he seemed to read my mind..." I didn't phone your parents. I didn't want to worry them unnecessarily coz they so far, so I called uncle Doc instead.", Imraan said

..oh my husband is a rock star!

I relaxed against my pillows..." Go ahead Dr, give her few injection's or something for this little stunt of hers!", Imraan said...

" I'm just going to check your vitals and the babies heart beats", my mamagee laughed at the look of terror on my face...i HATE needles!!!!!

Imraan disappeared into the bathroom after my uncle confirmed that all seemed fine.

Once my uncle left, Imraan sent me in for a warm bath and had my favourite PJs out for me, I felt human again after that.

I was about to ask him about the helicopter again but a knock on the door stopped me short...

Imraan let Sumaya in with a tray of tea and a sandwich and biscuits.

I was suddenly famished!!!

i hadn't eaten since lunch!

i smiled at her gratefully as I ate and she quietly whispered that she was so glad I was okay and she left.

Once I was done, Imraan tucked me into bed like a small child and he held me close, I tried to talk but he ssshed me, " you sleep..."

 I couldn't argue...

I was okay, I was loved, I had an amazing husband, I was beyond tired...i was snoring before I even closed my eyes!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Part 39: Rescue Mission

I grabbed my handbag and gestured for Tumi to follow me out.

 " Sumaya I'm going to check!", I called out over my shoulder.

I got into the car and I was about to open the passenger side for Tumi but she got into the backseat.

As I drove to the bus stop at the end of the road, she explained to me that the other maids had seen the boys getting onto a bus earlier that was headed for town.

OMW!!!!...i couldn't imagine what would make two five year olds that have never been on public transport ever, take a bus alone!

When we got the bus stop I got out and spoke to the ladies that sell sweets there, they both confirmed what Tumi had heard.

 I didn't know what to do! I tried calling Imraan but his phone kept going to voicemail and anyway what help would he be, he was 45mins away!

Suddenly I saw the bus and taxi operator numbers stuck on the bus stop shelter, I called it!

I had to speak to three different people and explain to them I needed the route of a bus that stopped at this stop around 1:30, nobody seemed to understand me even though I tried to give a description of the bus etc...

Finally, seeing my faustration, Tumi motioned for me to give her the phone...

In a torrent of fast paced IsiZulu I didn't understand she managed to get us put through to the bus driver of the said bus.

 He too remembered the boys very well but unfortunately they had just hopped of at his last stop...outside mr price in town!!!!, Tumi explained to me.

I didn't stop to think, I just ran back to my car and made a u-turn headed towards the freeway that would take me into the I approached the on ramp i thought I better call Imraan I searched for my phone with one hand, I suddenly remembered that I had left it with Tumi when I took off...oh-0...too late now, I couldn't go back!

Luckily I was heading into town so I didn't have much traffic, but once I got there, west street was a circus at this hour! It took me ages to get to the corner where the huge Mr price is located and even longer to find parking...i don't know,what I was thinking! They may not even be here!

But I had a hunch...

I finally found parking and ran into the store, I headed straight for security, I tried to explain to him as best as I could, luckily he seemed to understand me and directed me to the manager.

The manager too knew what I was all frantic about, despite it being minutes away from closing time, he too made a few quiet phone calls and then directed me to the 3rd floor....swiping his employee card to give me access to a 'staff only' area and lift.

In the lift I suddenly felt very scared, I had calmed down by then and suddenly realized that I was on a wild goose chase, nobody knew were I was, if Imraan was home yet, he must be frantic...and here I was in an unknown building, in an area unseen by public, going I don't know where...

When the lift open I found myself in a busy office area with tons of people frantically finishing up their busy day...phones were ringing all over, people rushing here and their...i didn't know who to stop and ask...

"Fatiiii MAAmeeeeee"

The shouting of my name made me turn, just in time as first one boy and then the other ran to me, wrapping themselves around me...

.OMW, I found them!

A man about my age was walking towards me, thankfully he was smiling.

"As salaam mu alukum", he greeted me...I'm  Zaid.

"wasalaam", I replied

" so you here for my two friends, I thought Il have to take them home with me!" he said as he ruffled their hair.

Zaid explained to me that the staff on the shop floor found the boys earlier in the afternoon when they came in asking for the staff to call their mother, they told staff that their mum always shops at this store and they want their mum to fetch them, they didn't know their phone number or address so somebody decided to call him from accounts to see if he could get their parents via the company data base. He had been told to report it to the police by the close of business if he didn't find the parents.

Zaid tried looking for their surname on the system, but none of the names and addresses that came up matched the area that the twins said they lived in.

 He finally posted to Ask Nani Ma , in hope that somebody would have better details while he tried to keep them entertained and extract more information.

He hesitated to call the police because he felt that they may not be able to locate the parents any better than he could and feared that the children would be placed in custody till the parents were found, he had no faith in the local police.

I was so relieved to find these two monkeys, I just took all his details down for Shireen and Bilaal to contact him and thank him properly. I thanked him profusely.

As I was leaving he called after us "Yusuf, you forgetting your milkshake!", as one boy turned and ran to get it I stood amazed that he had learned to tell them apart in just a few hours yet I couldn't!

When I got the boys strapped into the back seat and headed back into the traffic to leave I suddenly realized I should have asked Zain to lend me his phone to call late now! Hopefully we would be home soon!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Part 38: Kidnapped!

Today I got home from work and once again there was nowhere for me to park!

The yard was jam-packed with cars. Bilal was home and so were his in laws it seemed...but that's not what had me worried...the two police vans parked haphazardly across the front yard is what me hurry inside!

What on earth was going on!

Imraan was in PMB today to sort out some stuff at the new office premises.

I rushed inside to find shireen hysterical!
Bilal was ranting and raving...
my MiL and Shireen's mother were crying...
Shiraans Dadi was sitting the couch reading Izaa jaa in some kind of a trance...

It didn't take much to figure out that the twins were the cause of all this, but where were they?

Its only when I heard Bilal shouting at the men in blue that , ' he was sure they were kidnapped because of the business', that when I really started panicking!


 The twins!


 Yah Allah...i thought I was going to faint...why hadn't anybody phoned me!

Shireen was getting hysterical, she kept repeating "I should have taken them to the park...they wanted to go so badly! Then none of this would have happen"

I rushed to Shireen offering her a tight hug, saying every comforting thing I could think off.
"Don't worry, they won't harm them...just pay the ransom, whatever they ask for...if you don't have enough Imraan and I can try and help, anything just ask...i'll start a yaseen khatam right now..."

I held my poor SiL tightly as she wept copiously in my arms...over her shoulder I saw Sumaya beckon me into the kitchen.

I left shireen to continue the interview with the police and went to see what Sumaya had to say...i knew she would have the details that I can't ask anybody in the other room for...

I was right...

Sumaya immediately began by telling me that this little drama may not be a kidnapping...Shireen was looking for the two about 2 hours ago and after searching the entire house and yard she found no sign of them she started all escalated into an alleged kidnapping once the police got here, there was no evidence...just assumption and drama...

Isn't that like the main theme of this house?

Still! Two little boys were missing...kidnapped or not, where were they?

before I could get my thoughts straight, Tumi came hurrying through the kitchen door shouting frantically...

"Madaam!!!madaam!!!", she called.

Seeing us she immediately asked for Shireen, we pointed towards the lounge, following her as she flew through the door way...

"Madam...Madaam!!!!", "Baas???", she tried to get Shireens attention, then Bilal's, they waved her off, my MiL shooed her away...

She came back towards us, Sumaya quickly asked her what was up.

" the other maids, some that sit on the road waiting for the children after school...they said they see the twins gebala the bus", Tumi said.

The bus!....

No freaking way!!!!

I jumped to action.

( be continued...)

Monday, 22 September 2014

Part 37: The house hunt

On Saturday, the estate agent phoned Imraan to say she had a few promising houses lined up that fit our requirements. We decided to make a Sunday of it and took a drive up yesterday to view these 'promosing' listings...
I hardly slept on the drive to PMB, I was so excited, talking to Imraan and building castles in the air...

We had a list of the houses and when we met the estate agent she was very sure of herself...she even told me that I would just fall in love with one of the top three, she's sure of it!

As we followed her from burger street to loop street, from center street to the Suburbs of Northdale, Edendale  and by one, our spirits began to sink.

Every house we saw was far from the ones we had been dreaming off...non even seemed suitable...

Too old, too modern, too run down, too small, too big, no garden, too much of a garden, no privacy, too secluded...

None were what Imraan and I were expecting and we started questioning our expectations. By the time we were half way through the list, we were tired.

We didn't want an ancient house, we didn't want something too new and modern...we wanted a garden for the children but not an orchard and yard that will be difficult to maintain.

We wanted space but not so huge that the children's room would have its own GPS co-ordinate's.

We had thought that we would see a couple of houses and one would just feel like home!

There were a few on the list that didn't tick every single block but seemed workable, but the full disclosure clause that Imraan insisted on ment that we were told the background of each home, something that Imraan and I are both very fussy about...

The reasons for sale on one home was a divorce, neither partners wanted to keep the house, to many bad memories...
Another was a bank-repo.
One house was the scene of terrifying hold up that left the family too shattered to even continue living there ...

We didn't want to start our family on the crumbled dreams of another.

So the two houses that made it to our 'maybe' list had normal backgrounds of familys that inevitably had out grown the was older than we liked but we could compromise, the other was humongous but that's not such a bad thing...

By the 8th house we were ready to call it a day...this was the last one we wanted to see...the estate agent herself wasn't to hopeful but Imraan and I had energy for one more...

This one was in Mountain Rise, as we turned into a leafy surban cal-de-sac the street name caught my eye, 'Paradise', I almost laughed...

We were told that this house wasn't vacant yet, the owners were still here till the sale because they were relocating overseas and only after they were sure of a  sale.

The estate agent stopped outside a beautiful beigh and blue home...I felt sure the one we would be seeing would be next door or across the road. Nobody would sell this beautiful place!

When she walked to the intercom, I held my breath and looked at Imraan. I could see it in his eyes too...if this was the house, this was it!
We got out the door we were met by an elderly couple, upon seeing us they smiled warmly.

"As Salaamu Alikum, aww aww..." the man welcomed us.

Stepping inside, I immediately felt at home.
The furniture wasn't my style, but the home had a warm inviting feeling, the place was well maintained and I could easily imagine living here. It was spacious but not so big that it felt cold...everything felt, well...homely.

"Welcome to Chateau le Fatima.", the man continued with a laugh.

"My wife's name is Fatima, she choose this home for us 35 years ago.", he continued

"My wife is Fatima too!", Imraan said laughing.

The older Fatima smiled at me, "Come Il show you around"

She led me from room to room, while she showed me the house she shared some of her memories of raising her family.

Two of her sons now lived in Canada and wanted their parents to join them, her daughter lived in Australia.

They were ready for a new experience she explained, they didn't want to miss out on their grandchildren .

When I rejoined Imraan and the Uncle, I could see that Imraan felt the same way as me...

The Ahmed's led us to their spacious country kitchen, seeing it just sealed the deal for me.

Ofcorse they insisted we have tea with them, our agent knew she had made this sale and politely told us she needed to leave, she would call tomorrow.

We spent another half an hour with the Ahmed's, touring the garden and outdoor braai area one of their sons had added in while still living with them a few years ago.

When we finally left for Durban, we had made up our mind...this was the home we would buy and start our family in. We hoped for many happy year's raising our children here, Insha'Allah.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Part 36: Kiss Me!

I woke up with the most aweful pain in my chest! I couldn't breath, it was so tight. It hurt to take air in, to move, to talk...i started panicking. I thought I was having a heart attack.

I ran into the bathroom to get Imraan's attention. When he saw me double over in pain he almost had a heart attack himself!

He dropped his shaver into the basin and hurried for his phone as I tried to explain to him my symptoms. He poured me a glass of water as he frantically tried to reach my uncle.

I started crying as the pain got worse, it was in my chest but I could only think that something is wrong with my babies.

Imraan gave up on mamagee after my maamee said his still in the shower and wanted to take a message. Imraan tried the Gyni, while he threw on some clothes. The Gyni wasn't in yet, he didn't even wait to explain to the receptionist, he just cut the call and grabbed his keys.

"Lets go baby, Il take you into emergency.", he said.

I didn't even try to protest, the pain was excruciating!

I slipped on an abayaa as Imraan helped me out.

"mummy I'm taking Fatima to the hospital!", he shouted as we went passed the kitchen and hurried towards the door.

I could hear my MiLs frantic, what-why-how, but Imraan didn't slow down, he was practically carrying me.

We just got to the end of the road when my mamagee returned Imraan's call, his wife had already explained to him the symptoms Imraan had described.

"get her gaviscon...", was what my Mamagee said first.

What! He thinks I have heartburn? Is he crazy! My babies are in danger! I could be dying and my uncle wants me to drink antacid! I know what's heartburn, Imraan is a cronic sufferer, this is NOT heartburn!!!!!!!

Imraan pulled off on the side of the road, obviously believing my uncle, he opened the cubby and grabbed some sachets, he tore one and gave me, I didn't know whatelse to do, so I took it and the two more he offered me.
In my head I wanted to scream and smack my husband! I also wanted to find out if my uncle bought his medical degree from 'ok bazaar'.

As I sat there, furious at them, I suddenly realized I was breathing normally again...the pain was fading away...

To late though...Imraan was already pressing the intercom outside my uncles house...

As we walked in, I caught sight of us in their entrance mirror, I burst out laughing...
Imraan was wearing yesterdays gym pants upside down and my purple oversized sleepshirt with glitter writing saying "kiss me". 
His beard was usually so neatly kept, today one cheek was shaved the other had shaving cream!

Omw! I couldn't stop laughing...Imraan looked at me with concern again.

" I take it you feeling better now...heartburn in pregnancy is something else I have been told!", my mamagee said walking in.

My cousin Ibrahim was on his way out, when he saw Imraan he did a double take!

He grabbed Imraan around the neck and said "Nice outfit man!", then he planted a big fat kiss on Imraan's cheek!

" WHAT THE......!!!!!!", Imraan shouted, shoving him away.

"just doing what your shirt says, dude!", Ibrahim laughed all the way to his car!

Imraan turned, looked in the mirror and muttered, 'ill be in the car', he walked out red as a tomatoe!

I thanked my uncle and promised to visit under more appropriate circumstances.

Then I went back to the car and also followed the instructions on my husband shirt...luckily Imraan was over the embarrassment now that he had a jacket on and was laughing as he wiped his face with his gym towel...

"feeling better?", he asked me, as we drove home.

I can't believe how bad the heartburn was...mamagee said something about the babies pushing the acid from my stomach up...

Shew! What a start to a Friday!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Part 35: Espresso for charity...

I still can't believe how happy this Fahmeeda was to see me yesterday!

 Who would have thought...

A few years ago, when I was still in school, Sabera and I volunteered for a fundraising tea garden for cancer...I asked to be a cashier, unfortunately on the day of the event they were short on waitresses' and asked me to be one!

Well, a group of highty thighty ladies had sat in my section, all the teachers were whispering about one lady who was Dr Mansoors 4th wife.

The group gave me a long order of specific teas and coffees and baked goods, thankfully, somebody more experienced put together the tray for me...their order totaled close to R500!

Half way through their tea they called me back to order one more Espresso, this time their was nobody to make it and I couldn't wait around forever so I had to make it myself, the only thing I knew about espresso was that it was served in a cute miniature mug so I made coffee just like I make for my father, extra milk, extra sugar...and served it in the small mini mug.

My word, what a fit this lady threw! She wanted a refund! So I took out my wallet and have her R14...she stared at it dumbstruck and then asked what's that for?
By now, almost everybody was watching us...without thinking I replied:, " this tea garden is for charity and charity doesn't give refunds, since you don't like your coffee and I made it, I'm returning your money"

I couldn't believe I had said that, but then I was glad I had...

Luckily, she just stood up gathered her stuff and was only after she walked away that everybody realized the bill hadn't even been paid yet.

I still remember the look on the other ladies faces when they figured out they going to be paying for her share too.

I never expected to ever see her again...but there she was elegant and cool as ever, acting like we were long lost best friends.

I had been a bit nervous, I didn't know what to say or what she was going to say...

" I'm so sorry I have to rush off right now, Fatima please get my number from your MiL or I will get yours, we should meet for coffee or something... I could really use a girl like you on some of my projects.", She said warmly.

Once again, she had just gathered her things and left.

Soon as the door had closed behind her, my MiL and her Posey pounced on me,

"How do you know Fahmz?"

"Where do you know her from"

"why you never told me you know her all this time?"

I didn't know what to say or who to answer...i also didn't know if she was kidding With me? Why on earth!

I just shrugged, "she use to live in Sheppy before, small town and all that".

"Port Shepstone!", and then round two of the rapid fire questions began....

" was she married before?"

" I heard this is her 4th husband"

" what!"

" who was she married to before?"

While they dissected and speculated about her life I made a run for my bedroom.

when i told Imraan this silly story, he was so amused!

He said he had heard about the tuition program she runs for underprivileged children in a school in Shangweni.

"I think you made her into a good Samaritan that day...", Imraan said.

Yah right, as if I'm that influential. Maybe she had mistook me for somebody else...

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Part 34: Lunch for the needy or the greedy?

Today when I got home from work there was nowhere for me to park, I had to park on the pavement outside!

 We have a carport that accommodates 6 cars plus a double garage!!

None of the cars parked in the bays were any I recognized except Sumaya's. At first I thought maybe something horrible had happened, then I remembered MiL was hosting her ladies committee meeting today...

I walked in to what sounded like the Victoria Street market...i almost walked back out! The kids at school make less noise than these 10 women.

Every month my MiLs community outreach group meets to plan their roster, this month its my MiLs turns to host the meeting...she has been stressing over the menu for weeks and had Sumaya and Shireen on a hop yesterday cooking and baking up a storm.

"Everything must be to the T, I don't want any ladies saying our lunch was like this and like that and last month was better!", I heard her drill my SiLs last night.

Sumaya was quiet annoyed that she had to make such variety for the tea table, just because last month the Drs wife had a 7-11 spread...7 lunch dishes and 11 tea things! My MiL, was not to be outdone...she was having a bakers dozen plus one not even kidding!

I just find it so ironical that a committee that meets to plan a lunch roster for the local school and clinic, places so much emphasis on the lunch they going to eat.

Every month my MiL tells us all the details of this get together...what she ate, what was made, who wore what, who said what...she returns home with weeks worth of gossip and tons of leftovers!

MiLs outreach group prepares lunch for underprivileged children at the local school, despite the nationwide government feeding scheme that has come into effect, the group still continues with their private one. So honourable, right?

 Each lady takes two days a month to make and deliver lunch to the school and two days a month to make and deliver sandwiches and tea to people waiting in the queues outside the local clinic, between them, this group ensures that fresh food is served everyday.

They meet monthly to plan the menu so that the same thing isn't served twice at the school or every week at the clinic.

My MiLs turn is the first two Tuesday's of the month for the school and the second two Tuesday's for the clinic...its no big deal for her, she only provides the ingredients, its Tumi and Thembi that get all the real sawaab.

But the meeting is a different MiL had to be the hostess with the mostest today...
By the time I got home, all the organizing was done it seemed...the topic was now much more serious and engaging...gossip.

Who, what, where, how, when, why...nobody in the community was spared from slander and speculation I think!

The amount of dirty laundry being aired was frightening...if my FiL knew that the 5kg queen prawns in Kashmiri sauce was for this, he would have donated his money to another charity  I am sure.

I tried to sneak past to my room but MiL saw me and I had to do the parade, you know...kiss kiss, "no,no I'm Alhumdulliah, hehe, nice to meet you"

At least two ladies thought they knew me from somewhere so my whole family history had to come out...lucky for me, one lady was missing, so I only had to do the dance 8 times.

Finally, I had been right around the room, I was about to turn and make an excuse to leave when my MiLs 'arch enemy' returned from the loo...

I had heard so much kooch kooch about this lady from my MiL, she was the 3rd wife to some rich business man and she was very fancy and 'upper class', when it was her turn to host the meeting, they all looked forward to finally seeing her house, much to everybody's disappointment she took them out to lunch
! My MiL was quiet pissed off back then.

"Fahmeeda, have you met my daughter in law Fatima, Imraan's wife...she is a teacher!"

 I turned around and was somebody I never thought I'd have to see ever again.

"YOU!!!!" we both said together...

My MiLs face suddenly changed to a look of fear...

"Come here!", Fahmz opened her arms wide...i never forgave myself for not taking your number!"

Say whaaaaaaat...